The 4 Communication Habits of Successful People

Clay Morgan
7 min readFeb 22, 2019
Photo by Bruce Mars on Pexels

The topic of business communication is a massive industry. Books, courses, and seminars are regularly created to teach this so-called skill.

But here’s the thing: Business is communication.

If you’re doing business right, you are constantly communicating with people. Everything you do in business requires communication. Think of how your keystone activities depend on it.

  • Defining your core message and purpose
  • Describing products and services
  • Attracting clients and prospects
  • Raising capital
  • Crafting effective sales copy
  • Directing employees and contractors
  • Recruiting allies and partners

The list could go on.

I’m often amazed at how many talented people work so hard at their profession and yet treat communication as an afterthought.

Yes, writing can be challenging. Sure, speaking with and in front of others can be scary. But for those of us in business, we have no choice.

Fortunately, communication skills can be cultivated one day at a time. Here are four simple activities to invest some time into every day.

HABIT #1: Read a lot



Clay Morgan

Word nerd at heart writing nonfiction with an emphasis on creativity, communication, and culture.