Why Does Caitlin Johnstone Lie To You?

5 min readJun 20, 2022


Saying that Caitlin Johnstone prostitutes herself to her Kremlin based pimps would of course be would be an outrageous libellous epithet to several hard working street corner prostitutes I have met in my life. Clearly your run of the mill street corner whores have more integrity and common sense than Caitlin has or ever will.

In her latest episode of “Please don’t hate me because of the stupid things I say” Caitlin lets go of this amazing whopper….I’m quoting from Caitlin’s piece entitled, Our Real Enemies Are Not In Beijing Or Moscow: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix:

“Anyone who believes Trump wouldn’t be throwing the US empire’s weight behind the Ukraine proxy war just as forcefully as Biden is a dopey partisan hack.”

Once I saw a video of a group of men and women that claimed the earth was flat. They were completely serious. I thought I had heard and seen it all. After reading Caitlin’s theory on Trump the fighter, now of course I know different. As if to say “Hold my Foster’s” , Caitlin comes up with this one. Now, I know you’re all very savvy internet consumers. You didn’t bite when World News Daily showed pictures of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s alien baby, you weren’t convinced when a respected cardiologist said he had proof that Ted Cruz actually had a heart, and you doubled over in laughter when that asshole coworker keeps insisting that the Raiders are going to win the AFC West this year. But ….just in case you believe what Caitlin wrote or for that matter anything she writes, I’m going to smash that lie’s ugly little head right now. Rest assured that if Caitlin says anything this stupid you can pretty much discount any of her other bullshit as the mindless drivel that a paid Russian hack would say.

Don Trump would never get into a fight. He’s a coward. He’s the kind of bully that when you finally have had enough and throw a punch that lands, Don Trump runs home to his sugar daddy. He’s NEVER stood up to a fight. So any notion that Don Trump would pursue this proxy war in Ukraine …at all…let alone with any vigor is just the ramblings of a loud mouth Australian fool who doesn’t know shit about American politics or the history of Don Trump. Rather than face the music and rescue his failing casinos trump files for bankruptcy. Rather than clear his name and reputation, Trump ….as he’s done numerous times…..buys his way out of court and pays 24 million dollars so he can say his “university” wasn’t a fraud. Trump has been sued thousands of times and he has never….NEVER….gone to trial. So for Caitlin to say that Trump is a fighter is just stupid on its face. But wait….watch as I introduce things Caitlin isn’t familiar with. Things you and I call facts that will lead you to know beyond any doubt that Caitlin Johnstone doesn’t have a fucking clue what she is talking about. Caitlin makes the bold claim that Trump would be fighting just as hard as Biden against her dear Uncle Vladimir. As if at any point in his life Trump stood up to Putin. This is a lie. Look at all the times where Caitlin Johnstone is completely wrong and Trump acted like’s Putin’s lap dog.

Trump said Putin did “an amazing job of taking the mantle” when Russia annexed Crimea in 2014. He repeated a Kremlin talking point, saying, “The people of Crimea, from what I’ve heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were.”

Throughout the 2016 campaign, Trump cast doubt on the US government assessment that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman. At the infamous news conference, Trump even asked Russia to hack more saying “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the FBI, the CIA, the National Security Agency, the Department of Homeland Security, the Justice Department and the Senate Intelligence Committee all confirmed that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help Trump. But Trump rejected this and publicly sided with Putin at the Helsinki summit in 2018, saying he accepted Putin’s denials.

Trump thanked Putin for expelling hundreds of US diplomats from Russia in August 2017, saying, “I want to thank him because we’re trying to cut down our payroll.” Putin kicked out the officials to retaliate against US sanctions.

Trump congratulated Putin on his sham election. Ignoring the advice of several top national security aides, Trump congratulated Putin on his March 2018 reelection victory. Putin got 77 percent of the vote. Almost 8 out of 10 voted for Putin while Putin tries to kill his only competition and Trump praises Putin?

Trump asked allies to let Russia back into the G7 after Putin annexed Crimea.

Trump announced in 2019 that US troops were withdrawing from northern Syria giving Russia a golden opportunity to expand its influence and swiftly take over abandoned US bases.

Trump repeated Russian talking points in 2019 and 2020 about Ukraine and improper ties between Ukraine and the Obama administration and allegations that it was actually Ukraine that meddled in US elections.

Trump helped weaken US Ukrainian relations by publicly attacking US ambassador Marie Yovanovitch. Her ouster was a major part of Tump’s impeachment.

Trump even directed the CIA to share intel with Russia. Trump directed the CIA to share counterterrorism intelligence with Russia which in return the US would receive nothing in return.

One of Caitlin’s missions is to obfuscate and to muddy the waters. Caitlin has steadfastly maintained that Putin didn’t try to influence the election as well as the story from the middle east where it was reported that Russia was offering bounties on US soldiers. By saying he doesn’t believe the allegations against Russia, Trump publicly sided with the Kremlin.

The facts go on and on and on. When did the fighter Trump ever stand up against Putin? When? Show me Caitin. But alas she can’t. Doing so would be a lie which is familiar territory to Caitlin Johnstone. Don Trump cheated to get into college, he cheated to get out of Vietnam, he cheated on his taxes, he cheated on his wives, he cheated students at his sham university, he cheated donors to his sham charity, he’s cheating donors to his sham legal defence fund and now Caitlin Johnstone is trying to cheat you by telling you Don Trump is actually a fighter who would stand up to Putin?

Just more lies.

