The Three-Step Story of Tattoo Removal

Clear Canvas
3 min readAug 17, 2018


If you have landed on this page, chances are you want to fade your tattoo for a cover up or are in a tattoo regret phase. While many of your friends might have already warned you before doing the tattoo given its permanency, the advancement of technology has made it easier.

Tattoo removal not only became a effective procedure but is lot more accessible and most importantly, affordable. So get ready to make room for a new one by the tattoo removal treatments.

Trends in tattoo removal

Laser tattoo removal is the most trusted and popular method. Chemical peels or dermabrasion were attempted before the laser technique was known. A study by the Statistic Brain Research Institute found out 17% of people regret after getting their tattoo.

Fairies, Signs of the Zodiac, Celtic Designs, Butterflies, Barbed Wire and Dolphins are some of the most common designs that are getting out of the way.

Getting ready

Prior to the tattoo removal treatments, there are two very essential steps that need to be covered. The experts of the removal treatment suggest going through consultation and preparation proceeding to the tattoo removal.


Tattoo removal process is not a very regular chitchat topic. An in-depth consultation from the experts help to understand the procedure as many thinks it would involve a lot of pain. Well yes, you will get hurt but it’s normally nothing beyond what it feels when a rubber band pops on your skin, continuously.

In a complete consultation procedure, experts converses with the client to know more about the person and also gives the scope where the client can ask whatever doubts they have. This will be the time where the experts will evaluate the tattoo and try to understand your level of research on the removal procedure so that it saves time during the appointment.

Followed by the evaluation, a treatment schedule is recommended. The number of visits will depend on the ink colors, skin type, and amount of the ink.


Preparing for treatment is almost the beginning of the tattoo removal procedure. It includes removing any hair that covers the tattoo and disinfecting the place with alcohol. For some clients, pain is definitely an over whelming factor. For them, it is advisable to use an over-the-counter numbing gel before the appointment. The experts would suggest not to get exposed to the sun or get a spray tan before the removal procedure.

In this step, the experts take the photo of the tattoo prior to treatment which helps to read the progress during the procedure. There is a thorough examination of the tattoo for scars and bumps before the actual laser removal application starts. The last activity in the preparatory phase is the test spot with the laser. This helps to get the glimpse of how the ink and the skin will react.

The final round

Tattoo removal treatments include a Rev Light Q Switch which is engineered to target the ink particles with minimal damage to the skin. Individual laser session typically takes less than a minute but it is dependent on the tattoo. Often, the specialist applies ice in between the laser applications. It does not take more than 20 minutes for the entire procedure but for some removal procedure, it can take up to 45 minutes.

There is an interval of around six weeks in between the treatment sessions to allow your skin to heal.

To avoid any unnecessary infections or skin rashes, it is better not to swim or expose the skin to hot water or sweat when it is healing.



Clear Canvas

Clear Canvas is the one-stop destination for the ones who want to remove the faded and bad tattoos from their skin.