How to Deal with Jealous Siblings and Jealous Parents

Raphael Clearfield
5 min readJun 9, 2024
Photo by Obie Fernandez on Unsplash

Navigating the intricate web of family dynamics can be challenging, especially when jealousy rears its ugly head. Jealousy within a family, whether from parents or siblings, is an often ignored yet significant issue that can shape one’s emotional well-being. Understanding these dynamics and knowing how to cope with them is critical for personal growth and healthy relationships.

Jealous Dynamics in Families

Family dynamics involve an array of emotions and relationships, and jealousy can often be central to many tensions.

The Drama Triangle

The Drama Triangle is a psychological and social model of human interaction that maps a type of destructive interaction that can occur among people in conflict:

1. Victim:

Feels oppressed, helpless, and a victim of circumstances.

2. Persecutor:

Blames the victim, criticizes, and oppresses.

3. Rescuer:

Attempts to help the victim, solves their problems but often enables dependency.

The Jealous Triangle

The Jealous Triangle is another dynamic at play in families affected by jealousy. This model…

