The Top 10 highest paid NBA players for this season

Caroline Lee
2 min readOct 6, 2023


The Top 10 highest paid NBA players. Stephen Curry remains the highest paid player taking up about 10% of the chart.

It probably comes to no surprise that Stephen Curry is currently the highest paid NBA player. Curry currently plays with the Golden State Warriors and has a salary of about $52 million . He has played with the Golden State Warriors since 2009, and his pay reflects his worth to the team. Looking further into the salary data, Curry makes about 25% of his teams total

While he is the current highest paid, other top players are not far behind him. Kevin Durant comes up behind him with a $47,649,000 salary. Durant makes about 8% less than Curry currently does. Jokic, Embiid, and LeBron James are not far behind coming in with about $47,607,000 for a salary. Curry still makes about 8% more than them as well.

The “Other’s” category includes 4 players (Damian Lillard, Giannis Antetokounmpo, Kawhi Leonard, Paul George) salaries added togther. Their average salary is about $46 million Stephen Curry makes about 11% more than them on average.

While looking closer into the data and facts about each player, it looks like even though Curry is the highest paid salary wise now; that could change based off contracts and how much longer he plans to continue with the NBA. Jokic looks to surpass that Curry as the highest paid by 2028 and has an overall higher guaranteed payout compared to Curry.

LeBron James only signed a 2 year contract in 2022; however, depending if he signs a new contract or extension it is possible he could also surpass Curry’s salary. LeBron was originally the highest paid up until 2017 when Curry first surpassed him with a $201 million 5 year contract with the Golden State Warriors.

All the players above still are the most paid amongst their team, some having twice the amount compared to the lowest paid in their teams. However, Curry’s prestige allows him to remain the highest paid NBA player. Just about everyone knows who Stephen Curry is, even for those who have no interest in basketball.

