Brella Community Services Society

Together, we can create a caring community.

Isaiah Clemente
5 min readOct 31, 2023

My impact with turning Come Share into Brella


Brella has been an enriching experience, allowing me to hone my skills in design, management, and writing. It’s not only a fantastic platform for personal growth but also incredibly rewarding to have the opportunity to educate seniors about the ever-evolving world of technology.

My role as the “Digital Inclusion Coordinator” involved ensuring that all the following tasks were executed with my skills and influence.

What's a Digital Inclusion Coordinator?

As the Digital Coordinator, my role involves actively promoting our diverse range of services. This includes maintaining a robust social media presence on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, where we share valuable insights about our Day Program. I work closely with the Day Program managers to ensure that the content we create is not only relevant but also engaging for our audience. Moreover, I’m responsible for the development, promotion, and delivery of educational content designed to empower older adults in their use of technology, all made possible through the support of the New Horizons Grant. This initiative involves conducting regular tech buddy sessions to provide crucial guidance.

In addition to these tasks, I provide valuable support to the Director of Community Services and Director of People and Community by generating marketing materials that are both timely and effective. Managing our distribution list is another vital aspect of my role. I ensure that it remains up to date, with accurate postal codes and demographic information to facilitate the distribution of wellness news.

Finally, one of my key responsibilities is to actively promote our technology loaning initiatives, ultimately contributing to the digital empowerment of our community.

Task 1: Logos Given

Come Share Name and Logo

When I joined the “Seniors Come Share Society,” they were embarking on a rebranding journey and had engaged in an external design team to craft the new logo. During the interim between my onboarding and the logo’s completion, my responsibilities were to prepare the branding for the transition and ensuring that all aspects of the Come Share brand seamlessly transitioned to the new logo.

Upon the design team’s unveiling of the new colors and logo, I was eager to start with Rebranding the organization. I got to rebrand many things such as Rack Cards, Signage, Clips, Bags and much more. I was mostly excited to work on the Brella Book and other marketing materials.

What I designed

The Brella Book

Task 2: Funding

Joining Come Share, I discovered several plans for their online programming and website, some of which seemed financially burdensome for a non-profit organization. While my main directive was to lead the Digital Inclusion program, I recognized the opportunity to optimize financial efficiency. I decided to restructure payments and successfully reduce the overall costs associated with the program.

  • Mind Body — $159 Monthly
  • Wordpress — $33 Monthly
  • Host Gator — $17 Monthly
  • Telus Plan — $686 Monthly

Total Expenses: $10,740 Annually

Mind Body: The “Mind Body” program primarily targeted nurses and physical fitness, which I perceived as not entirely aligned with the objectives of a seniors’ organization.

  • The previous method of signing up for online events presented significant challenges for seniors, particularly since it required them to create an account on Mind Body. This process was overly complicated, especially for those who lacked access to a computer.

Wordpress: While many larger companies opt for WordPress due to its flexibility, Come Share’s requirements didn’t align with the platform’s capability for managing more intricate website assets.

Hostgator: Other website platforms can independently manage domains, eliminating the need for this feature.

TELUS Plan: In relation to the Tech Buddies support program, we had numerous tablets for borrowing, but the existing tablets were outdated. I decided to explore business plans with TELUS Representatives to secure better deals on newer devices.

Next Steps

  • Mind Body — Replaced with Calendly $144 Annually
  • Wordpress — Replaced with Squarespace $252 Annually
  • Host Gator — Removed (Domain Parked)
  • Telus Plan — Dropped to $441

Total Expenses: $837 Annually

Recognizing the issues with the previous plans, it became clear that SquareSpace and Calendly would serve as suitable alternatives, offering cost-effective solutions for the organization.

Calendly: By switching from Mind Body to Calendly, clients got an easier way for them to join events

Squarespace: Squarespace was a full replacement for both Host Gator and

TELUS: The new plan provied us with 30 Newer tablets and a more affordable plan. This plan also contains a company phone for us to use.

Task 3: Tech Buddies Program

What is the Tech Buddies Program?

The Digital Literacy & Tech Buddies program offers basic tech tutorials, which also includes lessons on iPads, tablets, computers, laptops, smart phones and overall features of social media. The “Tech Buddies” are available to meet you at the closest Surrey library or the South Surrey Brella location.

Tech Seminar for the City of Surrey in regards to digital security.
Tech Seminar for the City of Surrey in regards to digital security.


I spearheaded a diverse team of volunteers ranging from high school students to tech-savvy individuals aged 65 and above. Committed to assisting seniors in navigating the intricacies of technology, these volunteers generously dedicated their time. As the point of contact for numerous seniors seeking assistance, I facilitated the process by strategically pairing them with volunteers possessing the specific skills required to meet their individual needs.



Isaiah Clemente

I am Isaiah Clemente a designer and Child Care/Youth leader volunteer. I specialize in Product Design