Free will?

Clement Tay
1 min readJan 19, 2020


Do we exercise free-will when we live, defaulting to our emotions and reactions?

When I light up a stick, to respond to the external stress factors - am i exercising free-will?

When I frown in disagreement and raise my voice in displeasure - am i exercising free-will?

When I placate, and the run from conflict - am I exercising free-will?

When I allow my poor habits, one that I disagree with, to surface, instead of enabling my rational mind to process and respond, I am exercising free-will, in that I enabled it, and allowed poor habits to form.
Yet - I'm also inclined to say I am not exercising free-will, in that I have not chosen to enable my rational mind to consciously process and respond.



Clement Tay

Head of Consumer Experience at Carro. Firm believer of servant leadership, and that neither the chicken nor the egg came first.