To See the Cherry Blossoms

Cleo C.
3 min readMar 14, 2024


It’s funny how things can change so much for you. One day you’re daydreaming of the things you wish to become, the places you want to go.

Then years or months later, the opportunity has manifested before you.

And you can’t help but feel this surreal feeling that brews an exciting mystery of your path.

Sometimes, it also coerces an important reflection of what once was.

Before meditating further, here’s a small flashback:

Back in 2019, I decided to plan a big trip to Japan after years of saving up. With all the budget and arrangements ready for my exciting adventure, suddenly 2020 appeared.

And well…we all knew what happened from thereon.

With my trip canceled, I was quite crestfallen for a dream hindered. Unaware of the pandemic’s severity, I remained bitter about the ruined plans the crisis caused. But years after witnessing how long the world recovered from this phenomenon, I learned to understand the silver lining behind it all.

Ruined plans sometimes need to happen to appreciate what’s to come along. And after prolonged years of saving and waiting for the right time, I was given another chance to try again.

I’m finally gonna go to Japan, and this time it’s for real.

In three weeks, the wishes I’ve been yearning to materialize have finally opened their doors. The ability to see the world and explore different cultures has always been a hidden desire for someone who stays at home all the time.

(A homebody with wanderlust; quite the uncanny combination.)

Despite the conflicting personalities within me, years of waiting for a renewed experience will finally manifest soon. And it made me even more appreciative of the years investing in growth for a disheartening failure, and learning patience for the second chance that will arrive soon.

The bitterness lingering from the first attempt now seems futile; after years of despondent rumination and private tears I couldn’t help but shed for the lost opportunity, this all seems quite foolish to think of now that my adventure is nearby.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not idealizing Japan and its aspects. I definitely did some research on the things that I should keep in mind while visiting, plus other factors of their culture that I need to practice respecting. Respect; a huge keyword there.

But this pertains to a reflection of my growth; of the girl four years ago who once clung to her hopes of seeing the world, now doesn’t have to grasp so tightly anymore, because it’s finally laid before the palm of her hand. Her desire to witness the beauty of what she envisioned in personal discussions with her Japanese coworkers has become a present tense of attempting them in three weeks. The Pinterest board she spent nights indulging will manifest into the aestheticism where she becomes the muse.

And the food, oh the inner spirit cannot fathom the wonders one will embark on…. (ramen, mochi, sushi, takoyakiiii)

But most importantly, to see the cherry blossoms.

A flower that blooms once a year ironically poses as a personal favorite. I guess that’s where lies its true beauty; because of its rarity.

Photo by Amy Tran on Unsplash

Its soft pink hue, emits an aura of gentleness, enhancing the hopeful vibes for the springful season ahead. But to finally witness its beauty in the region that holds its wonder with pride, becomes a privilege I’m honored to cherish soon.

And for a flower that’s difficult to attain, I’ve become more inspired to look forward to many tomorrows. I’ve never been this motivated in my life; to finally find a purpose, something that I’ve longed to capture has finally become a tangible experience. And I’m willing to grasp its exhilarating sensation.

Japan, the land of the blossoming beauty, I’ll be seeing you soon.

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