“The Thrill Of It All”

Cassie Holland
2 min readNov 6, 2017


“The Thrill Of It All”, Sam Smith’s second album was released on November 3rd and is truly a work of art. It is very obvious how much work went into the making of this album and how important this album is to Smith. The songs on the album are very relatable to anyone who has ever had their heart broken and although he is singing about how hurt he is, he also sings about moving on and being happy again. Rather than acting like life is great and everything is amazing Sam is so real about his life and emotions, and shows that it is okay to be hurt and feel sad by someone you cared about but it can’t dictate your whole life. The songs on the album range from him singing about having his heart broken, his parents’ divorce, religion, and being gay. Opening up about his parents’ divorce which is something that is very personal to not only him but also to his family was not easy. Sam sings about the heartbreak so gracefully and how strong both his parents were during the time without taking either parents side. Sam Smith is openly gay, he has never tried to hide who he is and he expresses himself through his music. A lot of songs on the album are very powerful, but one in particular is the song “Him”. The song is about how he feels that since he is gay, there is no place for him in religion. The song “Pray” also off this album addresses religion and how he is starting to turn his back on it. He isn’t singing these songs and bashing religion, but rather expressing how he feels as an open gay man in modern day society. Overall this album is better than I could have ever expected it to be, Sam Smith definitely did not disappoint and I can’t wait to see where this album takes him.

