Click Tests: Improve Your CPS in Just 10 Days

8 min readMay 10, 2024


Click test 10 days challenge

You sit down at your computer ready to get some work done. You open your email and see a message about taking a click test. Sure, you could use some extra cash, so you decide to give it a try. Little did you know that taking that first test would open up a whole new world of opportunities. Flash forward 10 days later and you’ve taken dozens of tests, learned the ins and outs . What started as a small experiment has turned into a fun side hustle. No prior experience needed — just bring your mouse and get ready to click!

What Are Click Tests and Why Do They Matter?

Click tests are short online tests that measure how fast and accurately you can click targets on your screen. They sound simple, but click tests provide an easy way to benchmark and improve your clicking speed and precision.

Why Click Speed Matters

In many games and work tasks, click speed and accuracy are highly useful skills. For gamers, faster clicking can give you an edge in competitive play. For office workers, efficient clicking saves time and frustration. Improving your clicks per second (CPS) and click accuracy pays off.

How Click Tests Work

Most click test sites provide circles or boxes that pop up one at a time on screen. You click each target as quickly and precisely as possible. The test tracks your CPS, click accuracy, and reaction times. Some tests require single clicking while others involve double clicking or clicking and dragging. Start with

Take Short Daily Practice Tests

The key to boosting your CPS and accuracy is regular practice. Aim for 2 to 3 short click test sessions per day, 3 to 5 minutes each. Start at an easy level and progress to more advanced tests as your skills improve. Try competing against others to make it more challenging and fun.

With daily practice, you can strengthen your clicking skills and develop new muscle memory. Track your progress to stay motivated. Even incremental improvements of 5 to 10 CPS can make a big difference in your clicking prowess over time. Keep at it and your CPS will be climbing in no time!

How to Measure Your Clicks Per Second (CPS)

To improve your clicking speed, you first need to determine your current clicks per second or CPS. This measurement will give you a baseline to work from and help you track your progress.

To calculate your CPS, you’ll need a simple online click counter. These free tools will track how many clicks you can do in a set amount of time, usually 10 seconds.

Find a click counter and start clicking as fast as you can for the full 10 seconds. Really focus and try to click as quickly and accurately as possible. Once the timer is up, your CPS speed will be displayed.

For beginners, anything over 4 CPS is good, while experienced clickers can achieve 6–8 CPS. Don’t get discouraged if your speed isn’t very high at first. With regular practice, you’ll be increasing your CPS in no time.

Now that you know your starting CPS, set a goal to increase it by at least 1 click every couple of days. For example, if you’re currently at 5 CPS, aim for 6 CPS in 2–3 days. Track your progress to stay on target.

Some tips to boost your CPS:

Practice click exercises for at least 10–15 minutes a day. Consistency is key.

Start with your index and middle finger, then progress to using your index, middle and ring finger for maximum speed. Keep your wrist stationary and only move your fingers. Your wrist and arm will slow you down.

Relax your hand and don’t tense up. Stay loose and nimble. Focus on accuracy over speed at first. Build up your precision and speed will follow.

Try different click counters to mix up your practice. Some have useful stats to track your progress. Keep at it and stay dedicated. Improving your CPS takes practice but with regular training, you’ll be clicking faster and more accurately in no time.

What’s your CPS goal? Track your progress and achieve it! You’ve got this.

Tips to Improve Your CPS Score

Practice consistently

The key to improving your CPS is practicing click tests regularly. Aim for at least 2–3 short practice sessions per week, around 5–10 minutes each. Find a few websites that offer click test games and apps and stick to a routine. Over time, your speed and accuracy will improve as your brain and fingers get used to the movements required.

Focus on technique

Having good technique and form will make a huge difference in your CPS. Keep your wrist straight and still, and move only your fingers. Tap the mouse button or touchpad with the pad of your index finger in a quick, light motion. Don’t pound the button, which will only slow you down. Make sure you sit up straight and keep your elbow at a 90 degree angle for the best range of motion.

Start slow

When you first start practicing, begin with slower tests to build up your speed gradually. Aim for around 3 to 5 clicks per second. Once you can achieve a high accuracy at that speed, bump it up to 7–10 CPS. Increase your speed in small increments as your accuracy improves. If at any point your accuracy drops below 90%, slow down again. Speed will come with time and practice.

Try different modes

Mix up the types of click tests you do to improve different skills. Try single target, multi-target, and moving target tests. Single target tests help build speed, multi-target tests improve accuracy, and moving target tests enhance hand-eye coordination.

Some sites offer different levels within each mode as well, so you can start at an easy level and progress to more advanced ones. With regular practice of these techniques, you’ll be well on your way to improving your CPS score in no time.

Stay consistent and patient, focus on precision over speed, and gradually build up your skills. Keep at it and your fingers will be flying across the mouse or touchpad before you know it!

The Best Click Test Tools and Resources

Once you’ve decided to improve your click speed and accuracy, you’ll want to find the best tools for practicing and tracking your progress. Here are some of the top click test resources available:

Jitter Click Test

This free web-based tool is a simple but effective click test. You can set the duration of the test from 5 to 60 seconds and choose between a few different target sizes. Your CPS (clicks per second) and accuracy scores are displayed at the end of the test. The minimal interface lets you focus on clicking as fast and precisely as possible.

Click Speed Test

For a more robust set of options, check out Click Speed Test. This tool offers multiple test modes (clicks, double clicks, right and left clicks) as well as customization of target size, test duration, and more. You can save your results and scores over time to track your progress in detail. They even have leaderboards to compare yourself against other players.

Kohi Click Test

Kohi is another full-featured click test tool used by professional gamers and eSports athletes. It offers many of the same options as Click Speed Test along with extra features for setting a “”warmup”” duration, enabling a “”fatigue”” mode, and customizing the interface appearance. Your scores and stats are saved and can be exported if needed.”

Aim Booster

In addition to basic click tests, Aim Booster provides other aim and reflex training exercises to help improve your skills. They have flick tests, tracking tests, and other challenges to build speed, precision, and consistency. The free version provides solid functionality, while premium memberships add more advanced metrics, customization, and training programs. With regular practice using tools like these, you’ll be well on your way to achieving a faster click speed and pinpoint accuracy in no time. Start with the basics, focus on precision over speed, and track your progress to stay motivated. Keep at it and those high scores will be within your reach!

Click Tests FAQs: Answering Your Top Questions on CPS Tests

What exactly is a click test?

A click test, also known as a clicks per second (CPS) test, measures how fast you can click your mouse. The basic idea is that a timer starts, you click as fast as possible for a set time like 10 or 60 seconds, and your score is how many clicks you got in during that time. Some people use click tests just for fun to test their speed and dexterity, while others use them to help improve their clicking speed for gaming or other mouse-intensive tasks.

Do I need any special hardware or software?

Nope, all you need is a basic computer mouse and an internet connection. There are many free click test websites and apps that will time your clicks and provide your CPS score. Some of the popular options are Jitter Click Test, Kohi Click Test, and CPS Test. They work right in your browser, so no downloads required.

How can I improve my CPS score?

Like any skill, improving your clicking speed takes practice. Here are a few tips to boost your CPS:
• Practice daily. Even practicing for just 10–15 minutes a day can make a big difference.

  • Focus on accuracy. Don’t just wildly click around the screen. Aim carefully for the target area.
  • Relax your hands and fingers. Tension will slow you down.
  • Try different mice. A gaming mouse designed for high speed and precision can help.

• Try different techniques. Some people do better with their index and middle finger, while others prefer their thumb and index finger. See what works for you.

• Compete against others. Use the leaderboards on click test sites to challenge yourself to beat other players’ top scores.

  • Take breaks when needed. While frequent practice is key, take rest days to avoid burnout or hand strain.

With regular practice of these techniques, you’ll be well on your way to achieving an expert level CPS score and dominating the leaderboards. Keep at it and don’t get discouraged if you don’t see major improvements right away. Boosting your clicking speed takes patience and persistence.


And there you have it! In just 10 days, you can significantly improve your CPS and get faster at click tests. It does take commitment and discipline, but with focused practice, you’ll be amazed at the progress you can make. So challenge yourself, stay motivated, and click your way to a new high score. You got this! With the right strategy and techniques, you’ll be crushing those click tests before you know it. Just stick with it, track your progress, and have fun getting faster. Clicking proficiency is within your reach if you put in the work. So grab a mouse, limber up those fingers, and let the clicking begin!




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