Discover Free Online Client Project Management Software


Project management is a cornerstone of successful business operations, ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently, on time, and within budget. When integrated with Salesforce, a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform, project management software can enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and foster better collaboration. Here, we explore the top Salesforce project management software solutions that stand out for their features, flexibility, and seamless integration capabilities.

1. TaskRay

TaskRay is a leading project management solution specifically designed for Salesforce. Renowned for its intuitive interface and robust features, TaskRay facilitates project planning, execution, and monitoring. It offers powerful tools such as Kanban boards, Gantt charts, and time-tracking capabilities. TaskRay’s unique selling point is its ability to manage customer onboarding projects, making it ideal for businesses that want to enhance their customer experience from the outset. The integration with Salesforce is seamless, allowing for easy synchronization of customer data and project timelines.

2. Mission Control

Mission Control is a versatile project management tool that integrates smoothly with Salesforce. It supports comprehensive project planning, resource allocation, and time tracking. With features like Gantt charts, Kanban boards, and a timesheet module, Mission Control provides a holistic view of project progress. One of its standout features is the ability to manage complex projects with multiple dependencies and task hierarchies. The Salesforce integration ensures that project data is accessible and actionable within the CRM, enabling better decision-making and forecasting.

3. Smartsheet for Salesforce

Smartsheet is a popular project management tool known for its flexibility and ease of use. When integrated with Salesforce, Smartsheet allows users to manage projects and workflows directly within the Salesforce environment. This integration facilitates the automation of project-related tasks and data synchronization between Smartsheet and Salesforce. Key features include project tracking, resource management, and real-time collaboration, making it an excellent choice for teams looking to maintain a cohesive project management strategy without leaving the Salesforce platform.

4. Asana for Salesforce

Asana is a powerful project management tool that helps teams organize, track, and manage their work. The Asana for Salesforce integration allows users to link Salesforce records to Asana tasks, providing a unified view of project progress in relation to customer data. This integration supports the automation of task creation and updates based on Salesforce events, ensuring that projects stay aligned with sales and customer service activities. Asana’s flexibility, combined with its robust project management features, makes it a top choice for organizations looking to enhance their Salesforce workflows.

5. Wrike for Salesforce

Wrike is another excellent project management solution that integrates seamlessly with Salesforce. Wrike offers a comprehensive set of features, including task management, time tracking, and collaboration tools. The Salesforce integration allows for the automatic creation of Wrike tasks from Salesforce records, ensuring that project work aligns with customer data and sales activities. Wrike’s real-time collaboration features enable teams to stay connected and coordinated, enhancing productivity and project outcomes.

6. for Salesforce is a flexible project management tool that integrates well with Salesforce. It provides a visual and user-friendly interface that allows teams to plan, track, and manage projects effectively. The integration with Salesforce enables the synchronization of customer data and project tasks, allowing for better coordination between sales and project teams.’s extensive customization options make it suitable for businesses of all sizes, providing a tailored project management experience that aligns with specific business needs.


Integrating project management software with Salesforce offers a myriad of benefits, from improved data synchronization to enhanced team collaboration. Each of the tools mentioned — TaskRay, Mission Control, Smartsheet, Asana, Wrike, and — brings unique features and capabilities to the table, making them suitable for different project management needs and business contexts. Choosing the right software depends on the specific requirements of your projects and the desired level of integration with Salesforce, but any of these options can significantly elevate your project management capabilities and overall business performance.



Client Project Management Software

Boost Collaboration with Free Online Client Project Management Software