Mining with Meaning: Flood Victims

The HADRON project
1 min readJul 9, 2018


Thanks for joining us on our first blog post.

We’re not especially big on marketing or blogging here at HADRON, but the unprecedented flooding in Hiroshima and surrounding prefectures, with over 1.6 million people displaced, makes us think that there should be some way we can make a small impact beyond the microcosm of crypto.

For those of you already registered and mining, you’ll see a new “Donate to Hiroshima Flood Victims” button this week in the “Spend Coins” section of the dashboard. These tokens donated will be matched and multiplied by the HADRON team and gifted to registered organizations supporting those affected by the disaster.

We’ll do our best to stay up to date globally and offer similar programs for those in need in the future.

Many of you have already donated to the medical research fund. We thank you for your selfless generosity, and we’ll have more details on the recipients in the coming weeks.

This is in line with the HADRON mission: addressing humanity’s biggest challenges with blockchain-mediated decentralized jobs for people and machines. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be unveiling some of our partners in this mission.

In the meantime, thank you for joining the HADRON family. Some of you have been with us for nearly a year now and we can’t think of a better team to tackle these challenges with.

All the best,

the HADRON team

