The Best Biographies About Women in Business

Cliff Weitzman
5 min readDec 27, 2019

I read about 100 books a year and I’ve done that for 14 years [1]. Naturally, I end up recommending books a lot and usually that has to do with the person I’m recommending to.

I’m sick and tired of there not being enough popular biographies written about badass women for me to recommend to my younger sisters and to friend who are girls/women (especially younger). This is actually an extremely serious problem. We all need someone to admire and look up to. It shatters our limiting beliefs and makes us realize. “Oh, if she can do it, I totally can too.”

Would I be where I am today if I didn’t read Theodore Roosevelt’s and Benjamin Franklin’s biographies when I was young? Hell no. Would I have snuck into that Forbes conference by climbing on the roof if I hadn’t read Arnold Schwarzenegger’s biography earlier that year where he literally sneaks out of his military barracks, agains officer’s orders, to compete in the Mr. Olympia Competition? Maybe not. Arnold won the world title for Mr. Olympia, I ended up getting named to the Forbes 30 Under 30 list, his win is way bigger, but you get the picture — inspiration matters.[2] I sure as hell would not have hired 10 freelancers in the Philippines to find and apply to scholarships for me full time (how I paid for college) if I hadn’t read Tim Ferris’s book when I was 18.

Fueled by my frustration I went on a research rampage to find the best biographies about women ever written. I included the best ones I’ve read, and the ones I’m most excited to read next. Please add in the comments which ones you’ve loved that we should also add to this list. Please ALSO comment the links to the wikipedia articles about inspiring women that should have biographies about them but don’t yet: Think Gwynne Shotwell (SpaceX COO) and a TOTAL badass OR Melanie Parkings super young CEO of Canva — started in her dorm room now worth over $2.5 Billion). Here are some lists to start with The World’s 100 Most Powerful Women and America’s Wealthiest Self-Made Women 2019.

Arianna Huffington



Sallie Krawcheck, CEO Merrill Lynch Wealth Management

“Own It”,

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

“My Own Words” Autobiography + thoughts, long

And, Biography, short, “The Notorious RBG”

Sara Blakely, Spanx

23rd richest self-made female billionaire, has 4 kids. (out in May 2020)

“The Book of Gutsy Women” Hillary & Chelsea Clinton

Sheryl Sandberg (FB COO, Google exec) “Lean In”

Michelle Mone, $60M lingerie company, “My Fight to the Top”




At least read her wikipedia page, specifically about her childhood Oprah’s story is unbelievable she is use Speechify if helpful — web/Mac iPhone or Android.

Jo Malone

Fragrance and scented candle business sold to Estee Lauder, (she is dyslexic), “My Story”

Lori Greiner (QVC + Shark Tank)

Alexis Maybank & Alexandra Wilkis Wilson,

Founders of Gilt, “By Invitation Only”

Non-Business Special Mentions :

Melinda Gates (must read)

“The Moment of Lift”

Michelle Obama



“I am Malala” (her dad is one of my favorite characters in any book)

Tiffany Haddish

“The Last Black Unicorn”

Tina Fay (Too fun of a read not to mention it)

“Bossy Pants”,

For more book and biography recs go here

Know other books that we should add? Comment them below.

Know women/girls who would enjoy this list? Comment their name below.

Read one of these books? Write a sentence about why you think it’s good.

Think your community would benefit from seeing this list? Share or clap for this post to promote it.

❤️ Cliff

[1] And by “read” I mean listen with Speechify

[2] If you want to quickly learn more of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s incredible early story, here is a rap album I wrote about him (Think Hamilton by Lin Manuel Miranda but about the life of Arnold Schwarzenegger).

