La expedición antártica de Ernest Shackleton: historia de supervivencia

10 min readJun 19, 2024


En 1914, Ernest Shackleton 1 , un famoso explorador, se propuso cruzar la Antártida. Este viaje recibió el nombre de Expedición Imperial Transantártica. Atrajo el interés mundial cuando Shackleton y su equipo enfrentaron difíciles desafíos en el helado mar de Weddell 2 .

Shackleton comenzó con 28 hombres cualificados 2 en el barco Endurance 2 . Desafortunadamente, el barco se atascó y se hundió en el hielo 2 . Pero Shackleton no se desanimó. Él y su tripulación pisaron el hielo, luchando por mantenerse con vida y regresar.

Con temperaturas que descendieron a -45°C 2 , la tripulación enfrentó dificultades increíbles. Dependían del fuerte liderazgo de Shackleton y de su propio coraje. La habilidad de Shackleton para guiar a su equipo en tiempos tan difíciles lo convirtió en un explorador polar legendario.

Conclusiones clave

  • Ernest Shackleton dirigió la ambiciosa Expedición Imperial Transantártica en 1914-1917, con el objetivo de cruzar el continente antártico.
  • El barco de Shackleton, el Endurance , quedó atrapado y se hundió en el hielo del mar de Weddell , pero él y su tripulación de 28 hombres sobrevivieron durante más de dos años en condiciones extremas.
  • El liderazgo excepcional de Shackleton y la determinación inquebrantable de su tripulación les permitieron resistir y finalmente llegar a un lugar seguro, a pesar de enfrentar desafíos como temperaturas tan bajas como -45°C.
  • La historia de supervivencia y resiliencia de Shackleton ha cautivado al público de todo el mundo y lo ha consolidado como uno de los mayores exploradores polares de la historia.
  • La Expedición Imperial Transantártica fue financiada por varias fuentes, incluido el gobierno británico y una donación del industrial James Key Caird.

Los ambiciosos objetivos de la expedición imperial transantártica

En 1914, Ernest Shackleton dirigió la Expedición Imperial Transantártica con un gran sueño. Quería cruzar todo el continente antártico 3 . Su objetivo era comenzar en el mar de Weddell y terminar en el mar de Ross 3 . Se planeó que este viaje fuera la primera caminata completa a través de la Antártida 3 .

Las primeras exploraciones antárticas de Shackleton

Antes de esto, Shackleton realizó dos viajes a la Antártida. La primera fue la Expedición Discovery en 1901, seguida de la Expedición Nimrod en 1907 4 . En estos viajes, Shackleton intentó llegar al Polo Sur pero otro, Roald Amundsen, lo logró en 1911 4 . Aún así, Shackleton estaba decidido a liderar la primera travesía exitosa del continente.

"La exploración es la expresión física de la pasión intelectual".
-Ernest Shackleton

Shackleton deeply loved exploring and really wanted to achieve the unachievable4. The tough goals of the expedition and Shackleton’s earlier explorations in the Antarctic prepared them for what was ahead. It was a grand adventure that would truly show what humans are capable of when faced with extreme challenges.

Endurance Trapped in the Weddell Sea Ice

In December 1914, the Endurance entered the ice of the Weddell Sea5. The ship got stuck and floated with the ice for many months5. Even after trying hard to escape, the ice destroyed the Endurance in October 1915. This forced Sir Ernest Shackleton and his team to leave the ship and live on the ice5. Their goal of crossing the continent was no longer possible. So, Shackleton now aimed to save his team of 28.

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The wait was over on November 21, 1915. That’s when the Endurance finally sank under the Weddell Sea ice6. It now rests 3,000 meters deep, showing the tough times of this expedition6. Shackleton and his crew then journeyed across the ice to reach Elephant Island5.

Shackleton and five others later took the James Caird boat to South Georgia for help5

Their bold trip across the South Atlantic became legendary. It marked Shackleton’s strong leadership and his team’s will to survive5.

The Weddell Sea was a huge challenge for Shackleton and his crew5. But, their strength and Shackleton’s leadership saved everyone, against all odds6. This achievement has made Shackleton one of the top polar explorers ever5.

The Endurance team’s fight to live in the Weddell Sea is about the human spirit and Shackleton’s guiding light5. Their journey, from losing their ship to being saved, is a story that inspires people everywhere6.

Ernest Shackleton’s expedition to Antarctica and how his team survived

Drift Ice Camp

After leaving the Endurance, Shackleton and his team set up camp on the ice. Saving as much as possible, they had to deal with the extreme cold. They also found the lack of shelter and ran out of food7. To survive, they had to leave many of their things to lighten the weight and conserve resources7. They even euthanized some young dogs, despite how difficult it was for everyone.

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The ice pack carried them farther north, and they saw Clarence and Elephant Islands in the distance.8 They soon knew they had to find land. They showed incredible resilience and flexibility in the face of Antarctica7.

Extreme loneliness and isolation affected everyone’s mind. Keeping an active routine was key to their mental health. Shackleton’s leadership is remembered as exemplary. He kept hope alive and presented realistic plans for the future.

“Thanks to Shackleton’s leadership skills, all the men managed to return alive.” 8

Shackleton’s great voyage lasted from 1 August 1914. Until August 30, 1916, overcoming the daily challenges9. The crew on Elephant Island was finally rescued on August 30, 1916. After long months of waiting, Shackleton returned for them.9 In addition, Shackleton successfully rescued the “Lost Men” team from the Aurora in January 191799.

Shackleton’s team survived thanks to his leadership and cunning, as one crew member put it. He recognized Shackleton’s vital contribution to his survival in Antarctica9.

The Epic Voyage of the James Caird Boat

The ship Endurance was trapped, and Shackleton sought help from the James Caird10. This 22.5-foot boat took the crew on a desperate search. They traveled 800 miles in the Southern Ocean facing difficult challenges10.

On November 21, 1915, ice destroyed the Endurance and its crew survived on the ice.11 On April 9, 1916, they set sail for their destination on the tiny James Caird. This wooden boat withstood the onslaught of the sea, bringing hope to its occupants10.

During their journey, the crew faced huge waves and the extreme cold of the ocean10. Their goal: South Georgia, still far from their salvation. The worst part was yet to come.

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The James Caird took his team to dry land in South Georgia12. But his journey was not over. They still had to reach the whaling station. The road ahead was long and full of difficulties.

Shackleton and his team successfully crossed the world’s most feared ocean.10 This act showed the courage and determination of six men on the ice. It was an outstanding achievement in the history of exploration12.

The James Caird’s odyssey shows what human beings can overcome. Shackleton and his team withstood the impossible.12 His triumph is remembered, an example of what can be achieved against adverse winds. He continues to inspire those who listen to his story.

The South Georgia Island Walking Cruise

After arriving on South Georgia Island, Shackleton, Worsley and Crean made a 36-hour journey. They went through mountains and glaciers until they reached Stromness. There, they sought help for their companions who were on Elephant Island13. This voyage was unique, standing out for the strength and maritime knowledge of the men. They faced difficult terrain to reach the whaling post and arrange to save their crew.

Shackleton seeks help

Shackleton led the group to the meeting point to call for help. They walked across one of the most distant islands on the globe. They faced cliffs, sharp ice, and bad weather.13 Despite the dangers, his leadership and determination helped him move forward.

At the whaling post, Shackleton quickly organized the rescue mission. This action was crucial to save those who were on Elephant Island13. He again showed his courage and skill as a leader. This is how he saved his team, even in such complicated circumstances.

“The crossing of the James Caird boat is considered one of the greatest voyages by ship in history”13.

Shackleton’s voyage demonstrated his ability to guide and protect his crew. Despite the difficulties, his team kept going. This is a clear example of how to maintain hope and overcome challenges1314.

The Final Rescue of Elephant Island

Ernest Shackleton finally rescued his 22 companions on Elephant Island after many attempts15. As the ship approached, the men saw the smoke and came out of their shelters. Shackleton saw that everyone was well, a great joy united them in this reunion15.

The success of the rescue showed Shackleton’s great leadership and the bravery of his team16. After being trapped with the Endurance, they managed to survive on the ice. There they faced hunger and cold for several months.

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Shackleton then led a feat on the James Caird into South Georgia.17 They crossed 800 nautical miles in extreme conditions. There, they sought help to save those they had left behind.15 They returned to Elephant Island with all the men.

The rescue of all the crew was a memorable feat, thanks to Shackleton’s leadership16. Despite the dangers, he kept his group strong and determined. This rescue stands out among the epic adventures in Antarctica161715.

Shackleton’s Legacy as a Leader

Ernest18 Shackleton’s Antarctic expedition may have failed to cross the continent. Yet, his leadership shines as a beacon of inspiration. He kept his crew focused on survival, adapting to whatever challenges they faced19.

Lessons in Crisis Leadership

Shackleton prioritized his crew’s safety and well-being during the crisis. He made sure resources were shared fairly and kept spirits high. These actions are now key lessons in crisis management and leadership. They are used in business and beyond19.

Dealing with extreme conditions and isolation was a severe test for Shackleton. He navigated these challenges with unwavering leadership, guiding his team towards their safety goal19.

Shackleton’s legacy has inspired both individuals and organizations today. He showed how to stay calm, make tough choices, and unite people in the face of peril18.

The 2022 discovery of Shackleton’s ship, the Quest, by the Royal Canadian Geographical Society, has sparked new interest in his rescuer story18. This event further cements Shackleton as a historical figure and a leadership role model in all sectors.

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“Optimism is true moral courage.”

- Sir Ernest Shackleton

Shackleton’s enduring optimism and determination are still admired worldwide. His story and leadership during the crisis show the strength of human resilience and the importance of good crisis leadership20.


Ernest Shackleton led an expedition to Antarctica. His team managed to survive despite the harsh conditions. Although they did not meet the main objective, Shackleton demonstrated his ability to adapt. He also showed great commitment to saving his crew. His leadership made possible the return of the 27 men, all safe and sound.15

This unprecedented achievement is a famous survival story in history. It stands out for the fact that everyone came back and no one lost their lives21.

Shackleton has left a legacy as an exemplary and courageous leader. His story continues to inspire many. It teaches us the importance of being adaptable, working as a team and facing great challenges with determination21. His biography is rich in teachings on leadership at critical moments, strategy and planning21.

In conclusion, Shackleton’s feat in Antarctica is an exceptional example of the human spirit. It highlights the value of resilient leadership211415.,, This story will continue to inspire and educate future generations about the importance of teamwork, determination, and human adaptation.

Source Links

  1. — Ernest Shackleton
  2.édition_Endurance — Expedición de resistencia —
  3. — Endurance Expedition: Shackleton’s Antarctic survival story
  4. — The Stunning Survival Story of Ernest Shackleton and His Endurance Crew | HISTORY
  5. — Continúa la “maldición de Shackleton”: suspendieron la búsqueda del mítico buque Endurance, hundido en la Antártida
  6. — El Endurance ‘navega’ de nuevo
  7. — Así sobrevivieron los exploradores polares a meses de aislamiento
  8. — La aventura de Shackleton en la Antártida
  9. — 30 de agosto de 1916: el rescate, al fin | 99 Shack: Diario de la expedición Endurance de Ernest Shackleton (blog de Jesús Alcoba)
  10. — Equipo del mar de Ross
  11.ón_Imperial_Transantártica — Expedición Imperial Transantártica
  12. — Ernest Shackleton y su legendaria aventura a bordo del “Endurance” en la Antártida
  13. — Viaje del James Caird
  14. — Qué buscaba la expedición de Shackleton en el Endurance, el barco hallado en la Antártida 107 años después de su hundimiento — BBC News Mundo
  15. — Ernest Shackleton, el líder que convirtió un fracaso en una hazaña de supervivencia extrema
  16.ártida-lecciones-y-rodrigo-díaz-lópez — La epopeya de Shackleton en la Antártida: lecciones de liderazgo y supervivencia
  17. — El desafío de encontrar en la Antártida los restos de uno de los naufragios más famosos de la historia — BBC News Mundo
  18. — Los últimos secretos del Quest, el barco que vio morir a Shackleton en su cuarta expedición a la Antártida
  19. — Shackleton: Liderar al límite
  20. — The Polar Travel Company
  21. — Descubre la biografía de Ernest Shackleton en este artículo

