How we got the biggest surge of #NoFossilFuelMoney pledge signers ever Action
2 min readApr 20, 2018


This week the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge coalition launched a brand new tool that puts regular people (like you!) in touch with the candidates running to represent them so that we can ask them to reject contributions from the oil, gas, and coal industry.

Since last fall, over 380 candidates for public office have publicly pledged to reject contributions from fossil fuel companies. The huge number of candidates up and down the ballot signing the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge demonstrates a historic backlash against the influence of dirty energy money in our democracy — and this week we doubled-down on pressure to kick out fossil fuels.

As a result we had the biggest surge of new candidates signing the pledge to reject fossil fuels EVER. Dozens and dozens of candidates responded.

Here are some of the great tweets and messages we saw using the new candidate contact tool. This is really working.

Sam sent a message — then got a quick yes:

So did Lorne:

Candidates from across the country stepped up this week.

From Texas:

To Indiana:

To California:

And New York:

That’s just the beginning.

Our government should be listening to us, not the fossil fuel industry. The reason climate action is blocked in Congress and in statehouses across the country is the corrupting influence of billions of dollars spent by coal, oil, and gas companies. If we want to protect our climate, first we need to protect our democracy from dirty money.

The No Fossil Fuel Money coalition is making a historic impact on the 2018 election. Here’s how you can make your own.


-- Action

ClimateTruth combats the denial, distortion, and disinformation that block bold action on climate change. RTs not endorsements.