Position matters: Make the Most out of your Air Purifier.

Climec Labs
4 min readJan 9, 2023


Where you place your purifier in the room makes a massive difference in its efficiency: up to 20%! Here are five tips to make the most out of your indoor air purifier.

As outdoor air becomes harder to breathe and easier to see, households are turning to air purifiers to keep indoor air pollutants at bay. People use air purifiers to breathe easy, just like a fish needs water to swim and a bird needs air to fly.

But just buying an air purifier is not enough — the placement of your trusty air purifier can mean the difference between breathing in fresh, clean air and choking on a cloud of dust and allergens. The efficiency of an air purifier increases by up to 20% when placed correctly!

Experience pure air with AEREM Go.

Follow these five tips to get the most out of your air purifier.

  1. Keep the air purifier at a distance greater than 4cm from the wall. 🧱
Airflow vs. Distance of the air purifier from the wall (cm)

The airflow is a measure of how much air the purifier can circulate in terms of volume per time. The airflow is a meagre 5% when the purifier is against the wall and increases to 94% at a distance of 4cm from the wall. The graph above indicates that airflow is maximum at 10cm from the wall.

Placing an air purifier behind or under furniture will also hamper its airflow.

2. Corners are a no-go for air purifiers. ❌

Avoid placing your air purifier in a corner. Sure, corners might seem like a logical place to put your air purifier, since it’s out of the way and won’t take up valuable floor space. However, corners are also notorious for collecting dirt and dust, which means that your air purifier will have to work extra hard to clean the air in that area.

Instead, try placing your air purifier in a more open area, where it can easily circulate the air and do its job more efficiently.

3. Room size matters. 📏

If a powerful air purifier is placed in a small room, money and energy are wasted. On the other hand, if a small air purifier is placed in a large room that it cannot cover, pollution will remain in the room. Always know the recommended room size of a purifier before placing it in your room!

4. Do not pair with other similar devices. 🙅

Do not operate the air purifier along with other devices that dehumidify, humidify, or even air condition. If the air is not allowed to flow and is instead pulled in and pushed out in different directions, the efficiency of the purifier to remove all airborne particles decreases.

Some low-cost air purifiers also interfere with other electronics like TVs and microwaves. In such cases, keeping the air purifier away from these devices may help.

5. Avoid placing the purifier in humid areas. 🌡️

Humid air reduces the capacity of the filters. Operating the purifier in the bathroom or kitchen, where the air is heavy, increases its energy consumption.

Placing it at a doorway with less humidity will not only reduce the load on the filters but also filter all air entering your room.

Most manufacturers also indicate whether the air purifier operates best when placed on the ground or in a raised position.

The golden rule to obtaining maximum efficiency remains the same — move the air purifier around your home. Air purifiers are portable for a reason!

At Climec Labs, we have developed a portable and ergonomic air purifier that purifies the air with #swag 🤙. Aerem Go is 3D printed and tailor-made to suit the buyer’s needs.

Its HEPA and Activated Carbon filters eradicate the contaminants that stalk you, and the 360° air filtration allows no particles to escape. Its protective shield covers up to 16 square feet of air. The purifier displays the live air quality index of the room with the help of its ambient lights. All this with a battery backup of 1 hour!

The mini but mighty marvel of an air purifier comes with a plant on top that buyers can choose from a list of NASA-recommended plants that sequester the highest amount of CO2 from the environment. It’s in its “nature” to keep you healthy 😉.

With Aerem Go, take fresh air wherever you go.

Alleviating the air quality one breath at a time.

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