Shawn Daniels
5 min readJun 21, 2016

Hair Loss Due to Hard Water

Hard water is generally defined as water that has a high mineral content. While large amounts of calcium are often blamed for the development of hard water, high levels of copper and magnesium deposits can also contribute to poor quality water. It should be noted that laboratory experiments have concluded that there was little noticeable difference in tensile strength and elasticity of the hair after treatment with hard water and soft. However, anecdotal, water with a high mineral content can make your hair feel more dry and brittle, which can be hair loss.

If you are feeling unexplained hair loss, hard water can be a reason. Hard water is typically defined as water that contains minerals such as iron, calcium, copper and magnesium in a greater amount. These minerals are not good for the hair and can actually make the hair dry and frizzy low in the roots, which causes hair loss.To put it more scientifically, minerals, ions are positively charged, while the negatively charged hair. Therefore, when you wash or rinse your hair with hard water, mineral fillers positively connected with the negatively charged strands of hair. Over time, this buildup can weaken the hair shaft and the hair roots and can also make it difficult for an air conditioner or oil to reach hairs outsideThus if your area has hard water supply and experiencing hair loss, without obvious reasons, water can certainly be one of the causes. However, it is better to prevent hair loss due to hard water is simple. All you have to do is to ensure that soften the water before using it in your hair. If you stop using hard water in your hair and keep hair care and hydration, hair condition can be reversed quickly, the hair loss control.The continuous hair loss results in Baldness. Hair Transplantation is the only solution to overcome baldness. All countries have facility for Hair Transplantation, but the cost varies in all countries. Countries like Singapore, Turkey and India are famous for Hair transplantation. In India cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, Jaipur and Chennai etc., Among these cities hair transplant cost in Jaipur are comparatively low as compare to other cities and have promising result as well.Soften the water before washing or rinsing your hair with it* Softening machines are now readily available and are cheap, even. Therefore, the installation of a machine water softener in your home or apartment is definitely the best way to prevent hair loss due to hard water.* If you are not going to install a water softener, you can opt for a simpler solution, namely, a shower filter or tap. The high quality of shower and faucet filters available on the market; and these filters can reduce the amount of minerals in water significantly tap, keep the hair against the harmful effects of hard water.* Another way to soften hard water is to add a little shine to it. Alum is a chelating agent, which reacts with the mineral water and stored as sediment on the bottom of the tube. Separate a bucket of water from the tap and add 2 tablespoons of alum in it. Let the water for 25 minutes and then, or water can be sieved to separate the white particles, minerals and the remaining alum, or just use the water from the top without shaking the bottom of the bucket.
Use the right shampoo and conditioner can fight against the effects of hard water* There are specific types of hair products that are formulated to undo the effects of hard water on the hair. These products are generally available commercially under such brands as,chelators or clarifying shampoo. These cleaners remove any accumulation of hair, but they are very difficult in her hair too. Therefore, the maintenance of "minimum use.* Use a deep conditioner that first wash your hair with argan oil or olive oil can be an effective way to reduce the harmful effects of hard water on your hair. These oils provide a protective cover on the hair strands which helps reduce the amount of mineral production.
You can also use one of the following natural remedies for preventing hair loss due to hard water.

* Wash your hair with apple cider vinegar

ACV can be really effective to remove any mineral build the hair and scalp. It also balances the natural pH of the scalp and hair, promote healthy and shiny hair. Mix one part ACV with water and spray one side of this mixture on the scalp and hair. Massage the scalp and hair lightly with the solution and let stand for 5 minutes before washing with filtered water. This can be a very effective and simple way to prevent hair loss due to hard water.

* Use a lemon rinse

Stroke, lemon can also be effective in removing the accumulation of your hair and scalp. Add a whole lemon in a cup of water and rinse your hair and scalp with this water, having finished washing the hair. Alternatively, you can also use the mixture to massage your hair and scalp, then wash it after 5 minutes.

* Use baking soda to wash the scalp and hair

Baking soda is a natural clarifying agent and can clarify any of the scalp and hair accumulation. So if your area has hard water supply, make a point to use baking soda to wash your hair at least once in 15 days. Make a smooth paste by mixing baking soda with water and use this paste to rub the scalp and hair. Leave on for 3–5 minutes, then rinse with water.