Introducing Space Monkey at VivintCon and doing a little stage diving just shortly after the acquisition to pump up the sales team.

The Biohazards of Startup Acquisitions:

Why being acquired and getting a heart transplant might be more similar than you think

Clint Gordon-Carroll
8 min readMar 28, 2019


By Clint Gordon-Carroll & Alen Peacock

Disclaimer: We’ve never had an organ transplant and what we do know of the experience comes from 2nd hand or content we’ve read. Modern medicine is a life saving miracle and we applaud all those who are willing to give their organs to save another. Our hope is to give you an insight into the experience of being an acquired startup, so you can avoid the mistakes we made.

In October of 2013, my Co-founder and I stopped taking a paycheck. Our CFO had given us a very clear burndown of our (rather dire) cash situation and we came to the conclusion that not paying our salaries might add a couple of extra weeks to our small company’s existence. It was going to be a terrible holiday season for our families, but if it meant landing funding it would be worth the sacrifice.

Winning a startup competition is a lot of fun, but hardly indication of future success (lack of facial hair might be).

Things hadn’t always been this tough. For awhile after founding our company, Space Monkey, it felt like we had everything going for us. We won “Best Startup” at the Launch Festival in 2012, we…



Clint Gordon-Carroll

Clint is a serial entrepreneur based in SLC, currently working on a startup to kill the year-end performance review and help teams achieve greatness.