The Power of Encoding Techniques: A Comparative Analysis of Label Encoding, Frequency Encoding, and Target Encoding

Akalazu Clinton
5 min readJun 22, 2023


When it comes to handling categorical variables in machine learning tasks, selecting the right encoding technique is crucial for extracting meaningful insights and enhancing model performance. In this article, I will delve into a comparative analysis of three popular encoding methods: Label Encoding, Frequency Encoding, and Target Encoding. By exploring their impact on datasets with varying numbers of categories, I aim to understand their strengths and identify the situations where each technique excels.

Comparative Analysis

To compare the encoding techniques, we employed two different datasets: one with low cardinality categorical features and another with a high cardinality categorical feature. I evaluated the correlation between the encoded variables and the target variable to assess the performance of each technique.

  1. Label Encoding: Label Encoding, a widely used technique, assigns a unique numerical value to each category. In my analysis, I observed that Label Encoding yielded a good correlation with the target variable for the dataset with few categories. However, its performance significantly declined when applied to the dataset with a larger number of categories. This decline in performance can be attributed to the absence of an inherent order or magnitude among the numerous categories, rendering the encoded labels less informative.
  2. Frequency Encoding: Frequency Encoding replaces categorical values with their respective frequencies within the dataset. It provides a different perspective on encoding. In my analysis, Frequency Encoding demonstrated a good correlation with the target variable for the dataset with a larger number of categories. This can be attributed to its ability to capture the relative importance of each category based on its frequency. However, for the dataset with few categories, Frequency Encoding yielded a lower correlation due to the limited distributional information available.
  3. Target Encoding: Target Encoding, also known as Mean Encoding or Bayes Encoding, proved to be the most successful technique in my analysis. Target Encoding replaces categorical values with the mean value of the target variable for each category. It takes advantage of the relationship between the categorical variable and the target variable, resulting in superior performance for both datasets. Target Encoding outperformed Label Encoding and Frequency Encoding in terms of correlation with the target variable in both scenarios.
Correllation of Different encoding method with low Cardanilty Categorical feature
Correllation of Different encoding method with high Cardanilty Categorical feature

Target Encoding’s impressive performance can be attributed to several factors:

  1. Utilizing Target Information: By incorporating information from the target variable directly into the encoding process, Target Encoding captures the relationship between the categorical variable and the target. This allows the encoded values to carry valuable predictive power.
  2. Handling Variable Cardinality: Target Encoding handles datasets with varying numbers of categories effectively. It adapts to different levels of cardinality, making it suitable for datasets with both few and many categories.
  3. Robustness to Overfitting: Target Encoding incorporates regularization techniques, such as smoothing or adding noise, to prevent overfitting. This helps ensure the encoded values generalize well to unseen data.

When to Prefer Label Encoding:

While Target Encoding exhibited superior performance in our analysis, there are situations where Label Encoding might still be preferred. Consider the following scenarios:

  1. Ordinal Relationships: Label Encoding is ideal when the categorical variable exhibits a clear ordinal relationship. For example, variables like educational levels or income groups, where the order of the labels reflects their natural order, can be effectively encoded using Label Encoding.
  2. Model Simplicity: In cases where interpretability and simplicity are prioritized over predictive performance, Label Encoding provides a straightforward representation of the categorical data. It can be particularly useful when working with models that rely on feature importance or coefficient analysis.

When to Prefer Frequency Encoding

  1. High Cardinality Categorical Variables: Frequency Encoding shines when dealing with categorical variables that have a large number of unique categories. By capturing the relative importance of each category based on its frequency, Frequency Encoding provides valuable information, especially when individual categories may not carry specific meaning, but their prevalence is significant.
  2. Non-linear Relationships: Frequency Encoding can effectively capture non-linear relationships between the categorical variable and the target. By encoding each category based on its frequency, the resulting numerical values reflect the distributional patterns within the dataset, allowing the model to capture complex interactions.

Problems with Target Encoding

  1. Data Leakage: Data leakage occurs when information from the validation or test sets is inadvertently used during the encoding process. When encoding a categorical variable based on the target variable’s mean value, if the mean is calculated using information from the entire dataset, including the validation or test sets, it can lead to biased and overly optimistic performance estimates. To avoid data leakage, the mean target value should be derived solely from the training set.
  2. Overfitting: Target Encoding has the potential to introduce overfitting, especially when dealing with categories that have a small number of instances in the training data. In such cases, the mean target value for a particular category might be heavily influenced by a few outliers or noise, leading to overemphasizing those instances during model training. To address this issue, regularization techniques, such as smoothing or adding noise to the encoded values, can be applied to avoid overfitting and enhance generalization.
  3. Imbalanced Classes: In datasets with imbalanced classes, Target Encoding can be affected by the class distribution. If certain categories are predominant in one class but sparse in the other, the mean target values for those categories might be biased towards the prevalent class. This can result in encoding values that are not representative of the true relationship between the category and the target variable.


Choosing the right encoding technique is crucial for extracting meaningful insights and enhancing model performance when dealing with categorical variables. In our analysis, Target Encoding demonstrated superior performance by utilizing target information, handling variable cardinality effectively, and mitigating overfitting risks. However, there are scenarios where Label Encoding and Frequency Encoding can still be preferred based on ordinal relationships, simplicity, interpretability, high cardinality, and non-linear relationships. Understanding the strengths and limitations of each encoding technique empowers data scientists to make informed decisions and optimize their models for categorical data.



Akalazu Clinton

MS Informatics | Data Science and Analytics | Machine Learning