Peek into my job. Is Content Management for you?

3 min readMay 11, 2016


  • How does one become a Content Manager? What’s the career path to that?

I guess you won’t be surprised to find out that there is no strict path to becoming a Content Manager. And probably never will be, so stop waiting for that “how to become…” blog post. Most Content Managers have backgrounds related to copywriting, public speaking, digital marketing and journalism. But I wouldn’t be surprised to meet some qualified “salesman” in the field — they have a lot of customer insight, which is a great asset. My journey started with an editorial/storytelling role in video marketing.

  • Tell us a couple of words about what you do every day.

Comparable to a fashion designer’s job — be on top of what are the next season’s communication trends. On a daily basis, I making sure that the quality of the content we produce at Clipatize is in line with the promise that we made to our clients at the beginning of your cooperation. This assessment happens before the quantitative KPIs are visible. Also, I work with a team of marketing specialists and creatives to plan content strategies and oversee implementation, optimisation. Scouting talent is also part of the job, of course.

  • … and about the skills that are needed.

Probably the most underestimated skill is the capacity to shift from the big picture to details in a very short time. You don’t always work on big strategies, but you also can’t get lost in the micro-tasking related to the (often complex) workflow of content planning, production and distribution. You need to dive deep into topics and really understand your clients and their audience. We work with B2B clients mostly, with complex services and products, which need explanation. Imagine Life Cycle Inventory data solutions, or Future Internet applications, or robots for aviation industry, medical innovations etc .. It’s crucial to be able to share your idea, explain it clearly. Before I ever got into Content Marketing, I had been working with speakers of TEDxWarsaw to help them communicate their ideas. This is so important.

  • What is the thing that you like most about your job as a Content Manager?

To be able to solve problems: content is a very powerful tool — and once the strategy is right, it translates into business benefits for the brand. (I see how this can become into dangerous power of content).

  • Like any job, there are downsides. You want to tell us something about that?

It’s only a plus if you’re the minus :) You know, compatibility is the keyword here. I won’t go into the minuses, this is very individual and you know, if you don’t like something, maybe it’s time to stop blaming your job/boss and just change it! (thanks Artur Kurasinski for that heartfelt FB post this week). I believe that once you do something you really like, you just don’t think in terms of pluses and minuses anymore, because you’re in the “improvement” mode every day.

  • What are the financial perspectives of the job?

Sky is the limit :) but you gotta start somewhere. It really depends on how content strategy is perceived in each company. It’s pure positioning. But the ratings are going up in Poland.

  • Where does one look for a Content Manager position?

Among CEOs, founders and … your interests. You can be a happy content manager only if you work on topics you really believe in.

  • Do you have any words of advice for people who want to become Content Managers?

Read, write, send, ask, listen, practice your team-player skills, do online learning! Make Hubspot reading your everyday routine. But don’t forget about the big picture, trends come and go. Find your very own and personal USP.

This interview with Mara Puacz, our Content Manager, was first published in Nowy Marketing.

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Clipatize is a B2B marketing agency with offices in Warsaw and Dubai. We are fluent in explanation.