Why working on product launch is so rewarding for everyone in the agency team.

3 min readMay 5, 2016


You’ve guessed, we’re working on a new video. Excitement max.

“But you’re a video marketing company, what’s the deal?”. Almost correct. We’ve been doing videos for years. But some projects are just different, for everyone in the team.

Why this time? Because we’re working with one of the hottest Polish start-ups right now. Wearables, Human Enhancement Technologies, huge Kickstarter success. That’s what Neuroon, the intelligent sleep mask which adapts your biorhythm to your lifestyle, is about. But let me get to the point: why a product launch project is rewarding for everyone in our team.

  1. The Production Manager is happy to have a very engaged client.

The production stages flow naturally one into the other, from concept development, to scriptwriting, shooting, editing… The feedback reply time is shortened to the minimum, and the comments are always backed by business goals because the team behind Neuroon is small and everyone is well aware of where they want to achieve as a new business, whether it’s the software developer or communication manager.

2. The Creative Director is excited about adding a high quality Live Footage video in the portfolio.

Sure we’ve done live footage before — we’re really fond of our production for Dacadoo. Explainers are not only about animated, cartoonish, simplified visualisations of users and features/ benefits — although animations do win in the category and the array of styles to choose from is pretty rich. Actually explainers are more versatile in style than you might think. This article shows you some great Explainer Videos — be inspired, find your style.

3. The Copywriter is happy to shape the brand voice of a very young company.

When new companies “are born”, the branding aspect is crucial. Beyond key visual decisions which go into the brandbook, what is realy important are issues like brand personality and tone of voice. When scripting and copywriting an explainer video, the copywriter basically defines how the viewership will perceive Neuroon. Start-ups don’t have a “track record”, so they need a voice that gathers communities around them.

4. The Account Manager is definitely happy because of the 3 points above + about the positive vibes from the very engaged client.

The Customer Happiness aka Account Manager aka “Let’s give it all we have”-voice in the team, told me she’s really happy to see the whole team engaged in brainstorming and coming up with great reference materials, extra resources (esp. time) to actively boost the production. Once all these are aligned, the result has to be a kick-ass explainer video. Will share it with you at the end of May. Stay tuned.

Author: Mara Puacz, Content Director at Clipatize.




Clipatize is a B2B marketing agency with offices in Warsaw and Dubai. We are fluent in explanation. www.clipatize.com