The Funeral Joke

2 min readOct 13, 2021


Dear Clique,

In previous posts, I discussed Death. If you have not read it, I will put links below. Then you can go and read those first.

The Death 01 —
The Death 02 —

Now you can get an idea of how I look at dead. So today’s post is also related to it. Today I’m writing about a joke at the funerals. That’s why I named this article as “Funeral Joke”

Now you will blame me. A funeral is a very pathetic occasion we have to face ever. So what is the joke inside it? Let me explain it.

I know everyone who reads this will know the story about Titanic. So I will explain this using that example. You know, when there is trouble in a ship, the whole ship is not going underwater. The ship is sinking under the water side by side. But there might be a chance for it also. Now forget about it. We are talking about the Titanic.

Can you imagine this incident, A part of the ship has gone into the sea but another part is safe? People in that part are also safe but not for a long time.

People who in the safe side are finding methods to survive. They don’t think about people who go down on another side. They don’t care or even cry for them.

Now imagine a person on the safe side. He is crying and sobbing for people on the sinking side. He prays for them. He says such unlucky persons they are.

Now you will say me. Such a mad man he is. His side is also going to sink in few moments but he is praying for people who die. Isn’t this a joke?

Now the same thing I have to ask from you. At funerals, we are crying so much and We are getting sad so much but the person who dies and us in the same boat.

The only difference is his side has already sunk But anyone doesn’t know when our side is started to sink. I know, missing someone is really difficult to bear. But we are in the same boat. We must try to survive before our side also get starts to sink.

