Submission Guidelines to Write for Natural Empaths United

Read Carefully

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Here are the guidelines to write for Natural Empaths United Publication. I am trying to create a community where Empaths might share their experiences as being Empaths and creating a supportive enclave of creative writers in the mix.

We have been editors of sorts for most of our adult lives, so we are very fluent in the correct usage of grammar, and punctuation rules in the English language. We abhor typos throughout a particular article or story. We expect quality writing without mistakes, as it just tells us you are lazy in correcting your own work, if your article is riddled with errors.

If we have to correct more than two of your typos, we will send your unpublished article back to you. We don’t have to time to do your work, nor do we understand the content you are writing about to make judgments where grammar corrections are needed or not needed.

If you are a writer on Medium, you know the rules about hate speech and expletives in your writing, we shouldn’t have to repeat it. Read Medium’s rules about publications on this platform if you don’t know what we are referring to.

We accept non-published articles at our publication. It is considered plagiarism if you have already published the article elsewhere.



Jezebelle Darling - Healing through Writing

Empathically gifted, interested in pleasures of the soul, having an unquenchable yearning for knowledge about humankind and the psychology research behind it.