Walmart Oddities

What happened to undergarments and personal pride?

Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

I have noticed since the Pandemic, that shoppers at Walmart have lowered their personal bar for decency.

I am giving anyone reading this article a homework assignment. The next time you go into a Walmart near you, watch for fashion statements gone too far!!

I have been to three Walmarts in the Northern Tier of PA, and two Walmarts in the Southern Tier of New York State. Good God! Is there a memo that circulates about going without undies for women and men? Dudes have had a tendency for plumber’s crack, (no harm done…plumbers), but when did women start showing crack at Walmart. Ew!

I am not talking about thong wearers, that’s okay if you can rock one! I am talking about women who wear tight pants/shorts or short skirts that show off their ass cheeks, without undies!!

I am sorry, that isn’t what I was expecting recently during a shopping excursion in the produce area of one of my Walmarts.

I have also observed how many women are not wearing brassieres. I am not talking about women with little boobs. I am talking about the big boob women, like myself!

I don’t know if this is to get attention from men or women, (you love who you love, folks!), or just a pure distane for decency.



Jezebelle Darling - Healing through Writing

Empathically gifted, interested in pleasures of the soul, having an unquenchable yearning for knowledge about humankind and the psychology research behind it.