Development Update

Cloe Coin
2 min readSep 26, 2018


Digital advertising is a $200+ billion industry that has transformed the way we market goods and services but remains today a piecemeal system of incompatible components with a host of problems.
In online advertising’s current paradigm, there is an unavoidable conflict of interest that informs the results of any advertising campaign.
Advertisers need to know how their Ad is performing or risk waste of money when they don’t have a transparent way to measure Ad efficacy.
Users need to be reassured on the safety of there data and encouraged with a form of reward. To mention but a few.
Cloe Coin using Blockchain technology effectively cuts out middlemen, allowing advertisers to connect directly with relevant publishers.
On decentralized systems, authority is shared between network participants instead of being delegated to a single entity that would misuse such privilege. The digital ledger provides an irrefutable record of how Ads are performing.
One peculiar feature of Cloe platform is its ability to reward users for provided information and Ad placement statistic filtering.
Having the crypto community in mind, Cloe LLC is offering an initial sale of the 170,000,000 CEC tokens that will be widely traded on exchanges after ICO sale and on the Cloe Platform.
The value of each token at the commencement of sale is $0.04 but is generally expected to change as the sale commence creating a perceived shift in wealth amidst early adopters.
The CEC token is expected on exchange December 2018 and experts have predicted this will be valued above $5 when it reaches exchange. This is assured by the extent the team have reach in completing the smart contract and the value of support already received during the private sale by capital venture firms.
So far, $515,447.50 have been raised out of the $5,000,000 which is the targeted amount of the ICO sale. Giving that the project is still going through it’s pre-ico sale, this is a great start.

All you have to do is sign up and purchase your CEC tokens to hold for value to raise.

Join the winning team now!

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