6 Reasons Why Meditation Apps Work

Cloud9 Online
4 min readMay 25, 2019


Behind the Meditations with Cloud9 Online-Written by Lynne Hartwell, inspired by Henry Edinger

Watch the video version here

Our modern day lives are full of rush. Wake up and rush to get ready for work, get the family ready for school or go to school yourself, work work work, rush home or rush to pick up the kids, rush to get dinner ready, cram for the next exam or project, take care of last minute things for the family or yourself, maybe get a few minutes of rest at the end of the day, and then rush off to sleep …. And do this all over again the following work day. Our “days” off aren’t that much easier either with family responsibilities, errands and chores to do that were neglected all week, etc. We barely have time to breathe, never mind relaxing-we cannot even relax in our sleep.

And yet, our bodies are designed to be at rest most of the time, and in “flight” or heightened activity only when necessary. The current trend for most people is to be consistently on the go and to hardly know what being in “rest” actually is. Even for those who have physical, mental or emotional complications that force them to not be as active they still cannot “slow down” the rate of their racing or constant thoughts. The body may be in stillness but the mind certainly is not. Regardless of what situation we may find ourselves in, it certainly is not often being in peace or in “stillness”.

Not being able to slow down both physically and mentally have a direct impact on our physical and emotional health. It also can affect how we think, and can interfere with more rational thought processing. But there are ways of regaining our balance and our peacefulness. Meditation Apps are a newer trend that has become very useful for fast paced lifestyles. They allow us to maintain our busy schedules in greater balance by helping us “schedule in” times to meditate, allowing our bodies and mind opportunities throughout the day/night to “relax”. They can act as our own personal “relaxation gurus” and help us stay on track without getting fatigued or overwhelmed.

But how do meditation apps work?

  1. Many meditation apps offer daily micro-meditation sessions that can often last about 3 minutes. The body and mind doesn’t need hours to relax and refresh itself-sometimes all it needs is a couple minutes of a focused meditation and relaxation practice.
  2. Meditation apps offer quick and convenient services at the touch of your fingers on your mobile device. They go where you go and fit into all lifestyles. Many offer daily reminders, inspirational phrases and daily meditations that suit a variety of lifestyles and needs. Some can help those learn better meditation techniques and develop daily meditation or mindfulness practices.
  3. Apps bring meditations into the office, workplace or even on the go from place-place. They are a great tool for when you need some extra concentration while cramming for tests, waiting for the kids getting out of school or sports/activities, needing some calmness throughout the day, or to help relax the mind and body before going to sleep.
  4. They provide short and effective guided meditations that help reduce pain, stress and anxiety, clarify thoughts, improve energy levels and release negative feelings. They can also help with deeper trauma such as managing or overcoming depression, PTSD, severe physical or emotional abuse and addiction.
  5. Some meditation apps are ideal for individuals or professionals who seek inspiration to help them become more successful. They are designed to help you grow personally or professionally by helping keep you motivated and inspired to move forward in your life and attain your goals.
  6. Some apps are designed to help those that have difficulties concentrating, sleeping or have pain or health issues. Through utilizing specifically constructed guided meditations users benefit from meditations that are aimed at improving physical conditions or slowing down thought processes, allowing the body to slow down and the mind and body to become calmer.

What about a meditation app that includes all of the above? That’s where Cloud9 Online steps in. With over 300 different meditations arranged into categories such as mind, body, sleep, healing, relaxation, motivation, empowerment, clarity, and more. Cloud9 Online provides more than most apps offer: ad free original meditations and music that range from 3–20 minutes written or composed from a variety of holistic, medical or spiritual professionals.

Try it out for free today: solsticestrategypartners.com/cloud9onlineapp

Want more? Get FREE meditation videos on our YouTube Channel. Be sure to subscribe and click on the “bell” to receive alerts whenever new videos are added!

Cloud9 Online YouTube Channel: http://bit.ly/cloud9subscribe

Ready to start meditating or desire new techniques to use daily? Subscribe to our meditation app: ad-free daily meditations, inspirations and access to a library of over 300 original heartfelt meditations.

Begin your journey today for FREE: solsticestrategypartners.com/cloud9onlineapp

