How To Transform Your YouTube Videos into SEO-Optimized Blog Posts

Robert Warren
3 min readMay 28, 2024

Have you ever wondered how to transform your YouTube videos that you’ve already recorded and turn it into text? That way, you can easily repurpose it on your blog or social media. Well, I’ve got the perfect solution for you using the power of AI. Let’s get started!

The Evolution of Video Transcription

When I first started creating content, I struggled to find a seamless way to extract audio from my videos into text. But now, thanks to the next generation of AI tools like Chat GPT and Gemini, it’s incredibly easy.

I’ve personally switched to Gemini Advanced, especially after Google integrated it with their subscription plan. The accuracy and speed are fantastic, and I haven’t looked back.

Step-by-Step Guide: Transform your YouTube Videos to Blog Post

  1. Upload to YouTube: Let YouTube automatically generate closed captions for your video. It does a surprisingly good job, although you might need to correct some minor errors.
  2. Edit Transcriptions: Use YouTube’s subtitle editor to refine the captions and ensure accuracy.



Robert Warren

I recently began my blogging/YouTube content creation, an unexpected life change has motivated me to finally "Just Do It!"