ECS Fargate Security Best Practices

4 min readMar 4, 2022


ECS Fargate is a compute service that enables you to launch containers without having to manage servers or clusters. You simply create a task definition specifying the container image and launch parameters, and Fargate takes care of provisioning and managing the underlying infrastructure.

We’ve built a platform for Cloud Detection & Response in AWS including ECS Fargate, Azure, and GCP — you can grab a demo here. You can also download free playbooks we’ve written on how to respond to security incidents in AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Example network security for ECS Fargate. Source: Amazon Web Services

What is ECS Fargate?

ECS Fargate is a cloud computing service that enables you to run containers without having to manage servers or clusters. With Fargate, you simply specify the container you want to run and the service will automatically provision and manage the underlying compute resources.

Fargate is built on top of Amazon ECS, which is a container orchestration service that enables you to run containers on a cluster of Amazon EC2 instances. ECS provides a number of features that make it easy to deploy and manage containers, including:

-Task definitions: A task definition is a JSON document that describes a container and its associated resources.

-Clusters: A cluster is a logical grouping of Amazon EC2 instances that are used to run tasks.

-Services: A service is a deployment of one or more tasks that are run on a cluster.

-Task execution: Tasks are automatically scheduled and run on Amazon EC2 instances in a cluster.

-Container networking: Containers in an ECS cluster can communicate with each other over a private network.

-Task logging: Tasks generate logs that can be streamed to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

-Monitoring: Amazon ECS provides Amazon CloudWatch metrics for containers and clusters.

-Auto scaling: Amazon ECS can automatically scale the number of Amazon EC2 instances in a cluster based on CPU utilization or other CloudWatch metrics.

ECS Fargate is a great option for running containers on AWS, as it eliminates the need to manage servers or clusters. With Fargate, you simply specify the container you want to run and the service will automatically provision and manage the underlying compute resources. This makes it easy to get started with container orchestration and eliminates the need to worry about the underlying infrastructure.

How to Secure ECS Fargate

Fargate security is a critical consideration when using the service. In this blog post, we will discuss some best practices for securing your Fargate deployments.

Using Security Groups

Security groups are a key part of Fargate security. They allow you to create firewall rules that control traffic to and from your containers. By default, all containers in a Fargate deployment are attached to the default security group, which allows all traffic.

If you want to restrict traffic to certain containers, you can create a security group and attach it to the relevant containers. You can also create a custom security group that allows only certain traffic, and then attach that security group to your Fargate deployment.

You can create security groups using the Fargate console, the AWS CLI, or the AWS SDK.

Using IAM Roles

IAM roles are another key part of Fargate security. They allow you to delegate permissions to Fargate to access other AWS resources, such as S3 buckets, DynamoDB tables, and EC2 instances.

You can create an IAM role for Fargate by using the IAM console, the AWS CLI, or the AWS SDK. When you create the role, you will need to specify the permissions that you want Fargate to have.

You can also use IAM roles to control which users or groups can access your Fargate deployments. You can specify the IAM role that Fargate should use when you create the Fargate deployment.

Using Security Tokens

Security tokens are another key part of Fargate security. They allow you to authenticate requests to Fargate.

You can create a security token for Fargate by using the Fargate console, the AWS CLI, or the AWS SDK. When you create the token, you will need to specify the permissions that you want the token to have.

You can use security tokens to authenticate requests to Fargate from your own applications, or you can use them to authenticate requests from other services, such as AWS Lambda.

Securing Your Environment

There are a number of steps you can take to secure your environment in which Fargate is deployed.

You should use a strong password for your AWS account.

You should use multi-factor authentication for your AWS account.

You should use IAM roles to delegate permissions to Fargate.

You should use security groups to restrict traffic to your containers.

You should use security tokens to authenticate requests to Fargate.

You should use a secure protocol, such as HTTPS, for communicating with Fargate.


ECS Fargate is a secure compute service that enables you to launch containers without having to manage servers or clusters. By following the best practices discussed in this blog post, you can help to secure your Fargate deployments.

