XDR Gartner Definition

3 min readNov 28, 2022


Gartner define XDR as:

“… a platform that integrates, correlates and contextualizes data and alerts from multiple security prevention, detection and response components. XDR is a cloud-delivered technology comprising multiple point solutions and advanced analytics to correlate alerts from multiple sources into incidents from weaker individual signals to create more accurate detections.”

We’ve built a platform to automate incident response and forensics in AWS, Azure and GCP — you can grab a free trial here. You can also download a free playbook we’ve written on how to respond to security incidents in the cloud.

What is XDR?

XDR, or Extended Detection and Response, is a security solution that combines EDR features with other security tools and data sources to give a more complete picture of an attack and how to stop it.

XDR is a Security solution that helps you to detect, investigate, and respond to sophisticated attacks. It is a combination of EDR features with other security tools and data sources.

The main difference between XDR and EDR is that XDR uses data from multiple sources to give a more complete picture of an attack. This means that XDR can detect and respond to attacks that EDR would miss.

XDR is a new approach to security that is being adopted by many organizations. It is a more holistic approach that looks at all the data available to find and stop attacks.

XDR is not a single product or solution. It is a way of thinking about security that can be implemented with many different products.

XDR is a security solution that is still in its early stages. Many vendors are still working on developing products that work with XDR.

Why Use XDR?

XDR is a new way of thinking about security that can help you to detect and respond to sophisticated attacks.

XDR is a more holistic approach that looks at all the data available to find and stop attacks.

XDR is not a single product or solution. It is a way of thinking about security that can be implemented with many different products.

XDR can help you to find attacks that other security solutions would miss.

What are the benefits of using XDR?

XDR can help you to find and stop sophisticated attacks.

XDR is a more holistic approach that can help you to find attacks that other security solutions would miss.

XDR is a way of thinking about security that can be implemented with many different products.

XDR is still in its early stages, but many vendors are already working on developing products that work with XDR.

What are the challenges of using XDR?

XDR is a new way of thinking about security, and it can be challenging to implement.

XDR requires data from multiple sources, which can be difficult to collect and manage.

XDR is still in its early stages, and there are not many products available that work with XDR.

What are the best practices for using XDR?

1. Implement XDR as part of a layered security approach.

2. Use XDR as an addition to your existing security solutions, not as a replacement.

3. Collect data from multiple sources to get a complete picture of an attack.

4. Use a SIEM or other security solution to help you manage and monitor your XDR data.

5. Stay up to date on the latest XDR news and products.

What are the different types of XDR products?

1. SIEM: A SIEM can help you to collect and monitor data from multiple sources.

2. EDR: EDR solutions can be used as part of an XDR solution.

3. Anti-virus: Anti-virus solutions can be used as part of an XDR solution.

4. Firewall: Firewalls can be used as part of an XDR solution.

5. IDS/IPS: IDS/IPS solutions can be used as part of an XDR solution.

6. Threat intelligence: Threat intelligence solutions can be used as part of an XDR solution.

7. User and entity behavior analytics: UEBA solutions can be used as part of an XDR solution.

For more, see this video from Gartner:

