How to Use GIFs to Close More Sales

4 min readNov 1, 2017


CloudApp Video and Image Sharing Platform

GIFs make cold pitches stand out from hundreds of other emails. If you are looking for an original, but easy way to connect with potential customers, show off a few benefits and make them laugh in the process, look no further than the CloudApp GIF Creator. Integrating our advanced GIF creation technology into your sales funnel, helps turn any lead into a new customer in just a few steps.

Here are our favorite ways to use GIF’s to raise the bar with any prospect and close more deals.

#1: Make your Prospects Laugh

Surprised this is number one? Don’t be. When we asked a few of our salespeople friends who are million dollar plus earners, this was the first piece of advice they gave us. By making a prospect laugh, you instantly help them relax, their brains release some of that feel-good dopamine stuff and overall humor helps build trust. People love to buy, but they’ll turn a deaf ear to a stiff sales pitch. Sharing a joke is a great way to build rapport, without having to drone on about credentials or product details.

Everywhere I go, I’m walking on red carpet.

An easy way to make them laugh is to add a silly or funny GIF to follow-up emails, presentations or to break the ice if a prospect “ghosted” after an initial meeting or proposal.

#2: Use GIFs to Show Data

Sales training genius, Grant Cardone teaches his sales teams to show as much of the deal as possible on paper. Again, just telling a prospect figures and stats doesn’t mean much, but creating a simple screenshot or GIF that shows an easy-to-read graph with metrics will help prospects see how they can benefit from the product or service being sold.

Animated data GIFs with CloudApp embed.

Remember, people need to see how they’ll benefit and a GIF makes overwhelming data, easy to grasp in small, digestible pieces.

#3: Spice Up The Pitch

Sending cold emails? Don’t let them go to spam!

Warm a cold prospect up by adding a GIF to your initial email. GIFs make cold pitches stand out from hundreds of other emails. They lend a familiar, friendly quality to an otherwise unsolicited pitch.

Embed a GIF into an email

A GIF that is all about the prospect (not the seller) is the best way to open dialogue with a potential client. In this case, using a GIF to congratulate any recent wins they’ve had, joke around with an industry-themed joke, or highlight in a visual way how the service you’re selling can specifically add to their bottom line in dollars and cents.

#4: Create a Presentation That Shows How Much You Know about them

All good salespeople (we’re talking the top 1%) know that it’s not enough to know everything about the product you’re selling. In fact, knowing all about the product isn’t even the most important. What is most important, is knowing all about the potential customer — we’re talking down to the number of hairs on their head.

Sales presentations are one of the biggest offenders when it comes to demonstrating knowledge about anything other than the product being sold, but using GIFs to break up not just the monotony of the text, but the me-me-me vibe of a presentation will kick up sales.

Tip: Instead of using GIFs in your presentation to only highlight product features, using them as visual cues to show off each benefit and how it helps your prospect in a very specific way. Example: A GIF that includes pictures of their CEO, team, annual revenue, and other personalized images along with benefits and numbers will help close the deal in a big, personal way.

How To Create a GIF In CloudApp

Creating a GIF with CloudApp is easier than writing an email — and a lot faster.

  1. Open CloudApp via the icon in the top right of your desktop and select the GIF button
  2. Click and drag to select the area of your screen in which you want to record
  3. Press start to record
  4. Press finish to stop — the recording will automatically stop recording in one minute (for longer recording select HD)
  5. A link with the new GIF is automatically saved to the clipboard

We’d love your feedback

Have you already started using the CloudApp GIF maker to ramp up your sales presentations and close more leads? We’d love to hear how you’re using it (and give us more tips!) in the comments below.

Haven’t gotten your hands on the free CloudApp GIF Maker yet? You can try it out for free here.

As always, feel free to drop us a line at and follow @cloudapp news on Twitter.

-The CloudApp team

