A Midwest Dreamin’ 2018 Recap

Cloud Conversion
2 min readJul 19, 2018


This year’s Midwest Dreamin’ showed promise towards a growing Salesforce ecosystem. I had a great time collaborating with Salesforce admin Trailblazers and app providers. Most Breakout sessions were packed in tight, floor seating only!

Bret Taylor’s Keynote gave valuable insight into how forward thinking the Salesforce leadership is in embracing the influence of information and automation in the 4th Industrial Revolution. He gave a very humble background of his path to Chief of Product as Salesforce and inspired me to take a step back and see bumps in the road more as learning experiences.

Dr. Natalie Petouhoff’s perspective of accepting innovation as a process and always looking towards the future aligned well with Salesforce’s recent advancements in Einstein AI. She is truly a genuine and brilliant person and I thoroughly enjoyed her Keynote. I even had the chance to meet with her afterwards to discuss a few questions relating to how Cloud Conversion could utilize Einstein.

Overall, it was a very successful conference. I could not have asked for a smoother transition for my first week with Cloud Conversion and the Salesforce ecosystem.



Cloud Conversion

The Cloud Conversion eCommerce automation platform empowers retailers to streamline their business processes.