15 Simple Ways to Help Your Country

jr schmitt
2 min readNov 10, 2016


Late on Tuesday’s Presidential Election Night, I tweeted in rapid succession what turned into a list of 15 ways to make our country better. The near panic of so many in my Twitter and Facebook streams made it clear — people were anxious, aghast, and seemingly in shock. This November night, while our democratic process unfolded, while individual votes were tallied in cities and towns, people from pundits to television hosts tried to hid their own shock, dismay, anger, and anxiety. So I did what I normally do, I tweeted ways to help. After all, the best antidote to anxiety can be action. But why create the list at all? To remind us that in “We the people” the “We” means you and me.

To my fellow countrymen and women, I once more, humbly offer you 15 Simple Ways to Help Your Country:

1) Volunteer in your community.

2) Be a kinder driver, let others in or go ahead.

3) Make civility a norm and expect it from others.

4) Run for local elected office or support a local candidate.

5) Start a petition to improve or to meet a local need.

6) Check and call out your own language and the language of others you know that contributes to misogyny.

7) Teach a civics class to immigrants seeking citizenship.

8) Read the Bill of Rights, especially the Preamble.

9) Read the Declaration of Independence.

10) Read the Constitution, be educated on our country’s founding documents.

11) Support nonprofits and orgs that help the poor, the victimized, those most in need in our society.

12) Support fair and equal wages at your own company and support companies that live this value.

13) Attend a city or town council meeting, in person.

14) Find one way to support our soldiers, airmen, and seaman who risk everything for our freedoms.

15) Write, email, or call your elected officials about an issue that matters to you and make your opinion heard (keep at it until they get to know you on a first-name basis).



jr schmitt

aka @cloudspark | communications & digital marketing | generational expert | speaker | writer | interested in the why, not just the how | redhead