5 Movies That Will Make You Workout

4 min readOct 22, 2022


Rocky Balboa

Today’s post seems out of the ordinary right? Well, I don’t just want to post about self-improvement ideas, I want to change it up a bit. Hence, the reason I’m writing this post 25 minutes before my workout session.

It can be hard to find motivation to workout, even with life hacks such as the 3-second rule, 10 second countdown, etc. I’ve been struggling these past 2 weeks on finding that motivation to go all out in the gym.

After watching these movies, I eventually got up and did 200 Pushups on the spot! But I didn’t stop there, I even did 50 Pull Ups, 250 Squats, 45 Dips, and 37 Leg Raises. Yes, that’s how motivating these movies truly are.

5. Gladiator

Many people who’ve seen this movie about 100 times will disagree, but all I can say is that this movie made me want to have the heart of a gladiator.

Gladiator is a movie that premiered in June 2000. It depicts a battle for the succession of the throne in Rome. Emperor Aurelius urged Maximus to succeed him, but his son’s greed betrayed his trust.

This film shows how determination and perseverance prevail in times of trial. Life will not give us challenges that we can’t overcome.

“When a man sees his end, he wants to know there was some purpose to his life. How will the world speak my name in years to come? Will I be known as the philosopher? The warrior? The tyrant? Or will I be the emperor who gave Rome back her true self?” — Marcus Aurelius

4. Batman Begins

While his gruff voice isn’t the biggest draw for fans, Bale brings out the entirety of what it means to be Batman. He was tough and intimidating without overplaying the role while showing a more realistic side viewers rarely get to see, which is important in an origin story like “Batman Begins.”

Bale proved to not only be a great Batman, but a great Bruce Wayne, particularly when it came to the character’s relationships with Rachel and Alfred, both of whom are important links to a happier time in his life.

He has proven himself to be arguably the most relatable Batman, as Bale clearly demonstrates that the hero isn’t by any means fearless, nor is he completely invincible or perfect. That in itself becomes a much more significant factor in the character’s growth as he becomes the very figure that frightens him most.

“Why do we fall, Bruce? So, we can learn to pick ourselves up.” — Thomas Wayne

3. Braveheart

Braveheart is a 1995 film about the First War of Scottish Independence. It was inspired by The Wallace, an epic poem on the story of William Wallace.

The film was known as one of the most significant historical films ever. It also won many awards and honors for its portrayal of the resistance.

“Aye, fight and you may die, run, and you’ll live… at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin’ to trade all the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take away our lives, but they’ll never take… OUR FREEDOM!” — William Wallace

2. Rudy

The 1993 film tells the story of real-life Notre Dame football player Daniel Ruettiger (“Rudy”), a short, slightly built young man whose dream in life was to play football for the famed Fighting Irish.

Rudy was never going to be a starting member of the Notre Dame football team. He understood that. But he did find an achievable goal based on that dream: the chance to suit up with the team for one game and get on the field just once, so he could forever say he was a Notre Dame football player.

And once he’d set that goal, Rudy did the hard work of earning it, putting himself through years of punishing practices.

Indeed, when the head coach decided just before the final game not to let Rudy suit up with the team — his last chance to do so — every one of his teammates brought their jersey to the coach’s office and demanded Rudy suit up in their place.

“You’re 5-feet nothing, 100 and nothing, and you’ve got hardly a spec of athletic ability — and you hung in with the best college football team in the land, for 2 years!”

(1) Rocky

Stallone’s performance of the character — his fighting spirit, the difficulty to properly articulate himself — with such pathos, it immediately landed an emotional sucker punch with men everywhere. It became a true underdog story both on and off screen, winning the Best Picture, Best Director and Best Editing Academy Awards in 1977. The series would also go on to mirror the ups and downs of Stallone’s Hollywood career.

Indeed, the idea that men would use the Rocky soundtrack for motivation is very real (even if we turn down the volume on our headphones so we can’t be overheard).

In terms of channeling and speaking directly to the male consciousness, Rocky’s impact is unparalleled. Still undefeated, you could say.

“Going In One More Round When You Don’t Think You Can, That’s What Makes All The Difference In Your Life.” — Rocky Balboa

I hope that after reading this post, you’ll wanna go watch one or perhaps all of them and start working out!




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