Myths About Root Canal Treatment!!

Clove Dental Clinic
3 min readMar 17, 2020

Root canal treatment becomes important when the mash gets kindled or tainted because of profound rot, awful crown or a break in the tooth. Whenever left untreated, the disease can get most noticeably terrible and may require further careful mediation and here and there, the tooth must be pulled out. There are lots of myths about the treatment of the root canal, enlisted below are some of the myths that must be screened before heading to the dentist.

  1. Root Canal Treatment is Painful: There are many misconceptions about root canal treatment, but one of the biggest misconceptions is that the root canal treatment is painful, but the truth is, it gives relief from pain as it removes the pulp (the main source of the pain). Since there has been a huge advancement in technology, pieces of equipment, training, this helps in making the root canal treatment painless.
  2. Procedure required several visits: Many people think getting a tooth pulled is the best option available as it gives relief quickly, but that’s not the truth as if you are heading to the dentist to pull your affected tooth than how could you forget about getting the dental implantation done, which will be expensive as well as for implantation several visits are required, whereas the treatment of root canal requires max time of 3 days (visits) entirely depending upon the condition of your tooth.
  3. Root canal treatment is yet not very successful: As long as you are maintaining oral hygiene, there won’t be any problem that you have to face. Root canal treatment has a success rate of 95% (approximately) if performed by the dentist who is highly skilled and has a great vision regarding the pros and the corns related to this treatment.
  4. The treatment causes illness: After pain, this can be considered as the second biggest misconception about the treatment. This is a myth that roots treatment causes illness throughout the body; this is just a result of poor research that has been done a long time ago. To date, there is no such scientific evidence available that can prove this treatment is fatal to health. This treatment is done chuck out the bad bacteria from the infected part of the mouth to save the leftover teeth from infection.
  5. Root canal “Slays” tooth: Would my tooth die after the treatment is the first and foremost question that pops up in the mind of a patience/sufferer when he/she visit the dentist for the treatment. But there is no reality in it as root canals disinfect the infected tooth and allow it to heal vigorously.
Root canal treatment
Root canal treatment

A root trench permits us to dispense with a tooth that is in any case set out toward elimination. When rot and disease enter the inside of the tooth where the nerves and veins are, it is but a short time before the contamination assumes control over those nerves and the tooth bites the dust. At the point when a tooth passes on, we have no other option yet to break up and supplant it, either with a dental embeds spacer or dental replacement.



Clove Dental Clinic

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