Announcement: Launch of CLP Beta and Public Test Airdrop Plan

CLP Finance
3 min readJul 3, 2024


CLP Finance

After months of hard work, CLP has completed its first phase of product development. The main modules, including deposits, withdrawals, lending, and liquidation, form a complete business loop. The product has been deployed in the test environment, and we are now officially launching the public test plan. We welcome everyone to actively participate.

To encourage and thank all users participating in this public test, CLP will allocate a portion of its Marketing token share as rewards for this event. The tokens will be directly transferred to the winners’ accounts after the successful issuance of CLPT.

Details of the Public Test and Airdrop Activities

The public test and airdrop activities are divided into three modules. Accordingly, the airdrop funds will be divided into three parts:

Community Promotion Rewards

Follow CLP’s Twitter account, like, and retweet the public test post, @ three friends, and join the CLP Telegram group. We will draw 10 lucky users every week and announce them on Twitter, with a total of 40 users being selected.
CLP official Twitter account: []
Twitter promotional post: [ ]
Telegram group: []

Testnet Airdrop Plan

Any address participating in product testing has the opportunity to receive an airdrop. To prevent invalid actions and Sybil attacks, specific airdrop rules will not be disclosed. However, it is confirmed that as long as you use the product normally and actively participate, you will have the opportunity to receive an airdrop allocation. We will record your test participation address within the product, so participants do not need to submit any additional information to join the airdrop activity.
Testnet address: []
Test token faucet: []

Feedback Rewards

Provide feedback on the CLP product, CDP track, ICP ecosystem, etc. Duplicate content will be considered based on the first submission.
Feedback submission link (you can submit multiple times if you have ongoing suggestions): []

Special Reminder
Please note that this is a test product deployed on the ICP mainnet and has not yet entered the official usage stage. This means you can directly use your official account for testing, but except for gas fees, please do not use real assets for interactions. The ckBTC and ckETH used by the platform are test tokens issued for this test and do not have any other trading or usage value.

Let us build CLP together, create a native stablecoin for the ICP ecosystem, and promote liquidity within the ICP ecosystem. Thank you for your support and participation!

CLP Information
Official Website:
Telegram group:
Pitch Video:
Testnet intro:

