Club Sandwich, the charity food chain of the Metaverse

One of the coolest uses of NFTs is to quickly and efficiently raise money for a good cause, and make the world a better place.
And one of the coolest uses of Metaverses is to bring together many people from all over the world for events.

Club Sandwich
5 min readDec 26, 2021


Let’s combine these two amazing things. In this article are going to explain what we intend to offer with Club Sandwich as a brand.

Club Sandwich, the Metaverse’s first charity food chain.

In its first incarnations like Decentraland, Horizon or Sandbox, the Metaverse will still be the Wild West — with many opportunities to do pioneering work. Before we leave that to the analogue brands, let’s create a purely virtual fast food chain ourselves that also offers collectibles and collects donations.

Our wonderful sandwiches that you can mint from 22.2.22 are the brand characters and your token as a founding member for Club Sandwich.

Club Sandwich is to be active in every Metaverse environment from Stage 2 — In its own outlet, street food trucks and snack dispensers.

But every fast food chain must offer something for hungry people in a hurry. And here we are: Club Sandwich Limited Edition Snack (Tokens).

These snacks are the Club Sandwich Limited Edition Snacks that we release together with other projects and brands. Metaverse visitors can either mint and collect the snacks directly (Stage 2), or via our Club Sandwich Charity Snack website (from 75% roadmap).

What are the Club Sandwich Limited Edition Snacks?

The snacks can be anything you can imagine buying in a fast food or street food store — but branded and designed together with participating artists, projects and brands. The collectibles don’t cost much and are fair deals. 90% goes to the charity, the remaining 10% go to the project, so that it can sustain itself in the long run.
The snacks will be minted on a gas free Chain and the price will be affordable. With this we remove all reasons not to just grab a snack. With the fair price for snacks we also open up a completely different target group — users who are still new to the NFT space, want to take something with them to collect, and give something for a good cause.

What else can you do with these snacks besides collect and trade them?

There can be very different perks for each Club Sandwich Charity Snack Collection:
For diligent collectors and donors, participation in Club Sandwich Sweepstakes awaits, as well as the opportunity to be whitelisted for the next level of Club Sandwich Sandwiches. Think of it like the bonus and loyalty program of your favorite fast food joint.


Sounds a bit crazy, but to make a difference, you have to dare to do something innovative.
And with the intention to make Club Sandwich more than a cool collection of sandwiches, we secure the future of the project/brand.

With this concept, Club Sandwich can do many things at once:

  • Be a Metaverse Charity Organization
  • Offer participating projects a stage for promotions
  • Offer minters of the snacks something to collect and trade
  • …and we can do something good together!

Club Sandwich also has the following advantages as a Project / Brand:

  • The project is present, and attracts attention through the snack editions
  • Club Sandwich becomes a brand name in the Metaverse
  • We have more opportunities to do something good in between the Club Sandwich Main Stages — the project grows and lives while we develop new Club Sandwiches

You and Club Sandwich
As a Founding Member of the first Club Sandwiches release, you can help make a lasting impact in the metaverse beyond. You’ll be at the forefront of decisions on how the brand grows.

Each holder of a Club Sandwich sandwich is entitled to vote for each new collection to determine which charities the proceeds from the collection will go to.

So, what did we plan to do first for the Metaverse?

  • Club Sandwich Snacks Web Minter & first limited Edition Snack Series( 75% Roadmap )
  • A Club Sandwich presence Decentraland ( Stage 2 )
  • Club Sandwich Sandwich Dispenser as a Decentraland Smart Asset ( Stage 2 )
  • Virtual Club Sandwich Merch ( Stage 2 )

And here for those in a hurry the tldr:

The Club Sandwich NFT will be your gateway to be part of a virtual fast food brand, that sells virtual metaverse snacks for a charitable cause. Our lovely Sandwich NFTs that you can mint, starting 22.2.22, will be the brand characters, and your founder token. We got a super equal split & lit roapmap that you can learn more about here. From the snacks that Club Sandwich will sell as a brand in the metaverse, 90% of mint price will go to charity.

What is next?

We will release out complete roadmap in the next article.

Sunday, January 2nd: Roadmap & equal split explained
Sunday, January 9th: Price Reveal
Sunday, February 6th: Getting Ready for launch! Finalized Club Sandwich Blueprint

For more information, read our first Blueprint Article.

We are launching on 2.22, come join our community and stay up to date.



Club Sandwich

Club Sandwich is a limited edition NFT that toasts on the Solana blockchain