Cluster Creator Kit v2.17.0.1

Slash commands have been added to allow debugging operations from the comment field!

Cluster Official
3 min readJul 4, 2024

Hello, this is product manager Smith.

At the metaverse platform “Cluster,” we’re making various improvements to the production environment so that creators can accelerate their creativity in virtual space. See previous Cluster Creator Kit Release Notes here:

Cluster Creator Kit (CCK) Release Notes

12 stories

How to Use Cluster Creator Kit

The update to Cluster Creator Kit is only on the documentation; therefore, there are no updates to the Creator Kit itself.

Cluster Creator Kit Release Overview

New Features

  • Slash commands

Slash commands

Slash commands allow you to easily perform useful operations by entering specific commands beginning with a slash (/) from the comment field.

The slash command allows for easier debugging of Worlds.

How to use

To use the slash command, it must be enabled from the Developer Menu.

For more information about the Developer Menu, please refer to the help page.

Enter a command beginning with a slash (/) in the comment field.

If the slash command is enabled in the Developer Menu, the command you are typing is displayed in blue text.

Please consult the Cluster Creator Kit (CCK) documentation for available commands:

Using the /help command will also display a list of available commands.

Conditions to use slash commands

Most of the commands included in this release are positioned for debugging purposes for creators.

Therefore, commands will only be executed if you have permission to edit the World you are currently in.


  • If you are in a World you uploaded
  • If you are a member of a World Craft project

Future commands may have different conditions.

The conditions under which a command can be executed are also described in the description displayed by the /help command.

🎈We look forward to hearing your feedback!

As a virtual social media platform, “Cluster” is always making improvements so that you can enjoy your time in the virtual space.

In our Discord server, you can post your requests for Cluster, or interact with other creators to spur even more creation and support one another. Please drop by!

Cluster User Community Discord server:



Cluster Official

Cluster is a social virtual reality platform that brings people together to accelerate human creativity. Check out our website: