CLV (previously Clover Finance)
9 min readAug 10, 2022


CLV hosted the latest in our Academy series of AMAs with another one of our amazing partner project, Huckleberry on 5th Aun.

This time we had the pleasure of interviewing Finn, the Founder of Huckleberry, CLV chain’s first DEX platform. Huckleberry is a community driven AMM crosschain DEX and lending platform that utilises community-first approach allowing users to have a say in the future direction of the platform.

The AMA consists of two parts:

Part 1: Insights and Information about projects

Part 2: Live question (choose 5 questions)

Our community had the opportunity to ask Huckleberry’s founder any question they wanted. The answers were insightful, and it was an exciting and informative experience for everyone.

The AMA was hosted by CLV’s very own AK. This was another terrific AMA run by AK, and everyone was pleased with the quality of questions and answers.

Without further ado, Let’s jump into recap of CLV Academy AMA session with Huckleberry!



Welcome aboard and we are delighted to have you here with us. 😊
So let’s start with the introduction first. 🚀

Can you give a brief introduction of the Huckleberry project and the team behind it?


Absolutely! Let me start by introducin’ myself to all your fine people!

Please call me Finn. I am the founder of Huckleberry — a DEX (and lendin’ platform!) that is just launched on CLV.

I have been in blockchain for a very long time actually. I’d say I first dipped my big toe in the waters in about 2013, and have been doing blockchain stuff full-time since 2018.

Those who know me (or who have joined some of our AMAs on Moonriver) know that I like to brag about one silly fact — that despite buying my first crypto 10 years ago, I’ve never once sold crypto for fiat. I am what we call a blockchain-true-believer!

Now let me give a brief intro about Huckleberry

Huckleberry is one of my passion projects. It started off as a DEX on Moonriver (a Kusama parachain) and grew pretty quickly (exceeded my expectations in any case!).

Over the course of about 6 months, Huckleberry grew to launch a bunch of innovative features, including a fully fledged lending platform, a special staking platform, several syrup pools, and a bunch of other fun things.

But the thing is, Huckleberry was always conceived as a community-driven project. So we actually launched a Governance platform and stuck to the will of the people!

And what did the people want? Well, as Moonriver was becoming a little stagnant, our community (who we call drifters) voted to launch Huckleberry on CLV.

Which brings me here today, introducing Huckleberry, which is now live on CLV!

Round 1: Prepared Q&A


Awesome. Good approach to building a strong project. 💪

Moving forward to the next questions -

What are the advantages of Huckleberry to the other alternatives in the Blockchain field?


Great question! Huckleberry has several advantages — with some that can’t be copied!

First and foremost, when we originally launched on Moonriver, we had a 100% fair launch. The entire circulating supply at that time was airdropped to real users. I truly believe that it was this decision, early on, that let us actually “let the drifters guide us.”

Besides that, Huckleberry combines an (in my opinion) awesome theme, a cool look, and industry best functions. Here’s just a short list of the things that Huckleberry offers:

· The Huckleberry DEX that gives protocol fees to FINN holders

· Rivers, which is Huckleberry’s take on yield farming

· Thatcher’s Reservoir, a lending platform that rewards both lenders and borrowers

· Tom’s House, a staking platform where drifters can stake their FINN to receive TOM. TOM always increases in value compared to FINN, so its an easy way to passively earn.

· Shore Excursions, which are like syrup pools, allow drifters to stake TOM to receive other tokens (like CLV)! We also have some special shore excursions that auto-compounds rewards (called auTOMatic’ driftin’)

And as I mentioned, one thing that sets Huckleberry apart is that we let the drifters decide the future direction of Huckleberry. We have a governance platform, and we stick to the results. This is a tradition that we will keep going on CLV. The first bit of business that the community will decide is whether or not to turn on one of Huckleberry’s most unique features: Passive Sailin’.

Passive Sailin’ is a feature that takes a percentage of every $FINN transaction and automatically shares and distributes it to all $FINN holders. Passive Sailin’ is instant, automatic and totally decentralized, and users don’t need to do anything to benefit besides hold $FINN. But right now, this percentage is set to 0%, which means that Passive Sailin’ is effective paused. I’m happy to announce here that our first order of governance will be to vote on if and when to turn on Passive Sailing. Both CLV and Moonriver drifters will be able to vote.

As a final note, we’re also lucky enough to have an industry-best bridge provider (Wanchain) supporting us, so now $FINN tokens can move seamlessly between Moonriver and CLV.


Moving forward to the next questions -

What are your greatest achievements so far, and can you brief us on your upcoming activities?


— I’m incredibly proud of the fact that, no matter the market conditions, Huckleberry’s team and community have continued to behave admirably and honestly. But in terms of specific achievements so far, I like to point out:

· Huckleberry is community-led

· We 100% fair launched

· Many of our features are professionally audited

· We have a wonderful DEX AND lending platform, that work great

— We’ve never been afraid to experiment with things like Tom’s House, the $TOM token, and Shore Excursions

— We also have a series of amazing comics

— I’m really proud at the care we’ve given to things like this — to the Huckleberry narrative. I’m thinking we’ll soon update some of these to reflect CLV… or more likely, we’ll do something new and unique for to celebrate the launch of CLV!

— In terms of the upcoming activities:

— In the very short term, we’re gonna finish our roll out on CLV.

— Right now, the DEX is live, but the farming pools aren’t giving out rewards yet. This will start on August 11 with Rivers (farming pools) for FINN/CLV, FINN/USDC and USDC/CLV. The reason for this delay is to give everyone ample time to add liquidity. The highest yields are always at the start.

— We’re also going to run a few marketing campaigns on Twitter to name these farming pools (Rivers) and give out a bit of $FINN.

— In the medium term, we’re going to bring more and more feature to Huckleberry CLV, until its totally equivalent to Huckleberry Moonriver.

— One of the earliest I’m considering is a CLV faucet. But since we are a community platform, the community of drifters will have a lot of say here.

— And as I mentioned, we’ll be making decisions together about things like Passive Sailin’, There’s really no shortage of things coming soon to Huckleberry CLV! So keep an eye out!


— Moving forward to the next questions -

— Could you elaborate on how Huckleberry is financed? Who are the backers and investors?


— Easy! As I mentioned, Huckleberry had a 100% fair launch, meaning that there was no pre-sale and no private sale. The entire original circulating supply was airdropped to MOVR holders. Nothing was preminted for the team, for treasury, for marketing. So we were able to maintain some freedom in that sense, and that’s why we can take a real community-driven approach.

— In terms of how we are funded, the Huckleberry team receives a portion of the emissions on Moonriver.

— As we were thinking about how to launch on CLV, we wanted to make sure not to ruin this original fair design

— Luckily the community of drifters agreed, and we came up with a way (thanks to the fine folks at Wanchain too!) to bridge FINN to CLV, without increasing the max supply. So even though we are now on two chains, the max supply is the same, as outlined in our original tokenomics!


— The last question for the introductory part is -

— With Huckleberry officially live on CLV, what does the future look like for Huckleberry?


— Huckleberry! That gives me some ideas for a new character…


— I guess it is back to the drawing book to build. 😁


— A lot of what I said above covers this question I think, but we’re going to start by gaining feature parity between CLV and Moonriver, so it becomes an even more seamless multichain experience.

— The specific new functions that will be developed will be decided by all of you, the drifter community.

— If anyone has any suggestions, they can always initiate a governance vote:

— Or if they are just curious, we have extensive docs that include a Roadmap. This Roadmap includes both confirmed items as well as just things we are thinking about / researching :

— I’ll state it again (at risk of sounding like a broken record), but Huckleberry is for the drifter community. Everyone can get involved and have a real impact on the direction we take moving forward!

Round 2: Live Questions


— I see that the single bet $FINN to get $TOM is a very welcome addition to Huckleberry, bringing more utility to the token. As far as I know, you are also the first DEX on Moonriver to use the so-called “SYRUP POOL”, where native tokens can be used to earn other tokens. What other uses do you plan for $TOM?


— Thanks for your question! $TOM is a really cool token because it always increases in value vs $FINN. Besides being able to stake $TOM in Shore Excursions to earn other tokens, we also use $TOM for all our governance votes.

— One of the best things to do with $TOM is to drop it in auTOMatic’ driftin, which is a special Shore Excursion that automatically compounds your rewards!


— Would it be possible to implement an auto harvest function whereby all rewards are automatically reinvested to the pool? This is something beefy do and it’s great.


— That’s a great idea! Actually, on Huckleberry, at the top of the Rivers page, you can click “Harvest all” which basically does this. Although you still need to sign multiple transactions for security reasons!

Mo Lin:

— How to bridge USDC from ethereum to clover-p?


— Great question! Not only can $FINN be bridged to CLV from Moonriver using Wanchain bridges, but USDC can as well. There’s all sorts of tutorials online, and even ol’ Finn here as made one:

— Technically, the guide shows you how to bring $FINN over, but the process is the same for $USDC. Just select $USDC instead of $FINN!


— Do you have any plan for burning tokens in the future to reduce the supply of the token and increase its investment attractiveness?


— We are actually burning 25,000,000 $FINN tokens over the next 3 year as part of our plan to go crosschain! Burning all these $FINN on Moonriver lets us make the same number available on CLV for River rewards!


— we have seen SOL hacked by hackers, I wonder if you have completed the security audit? Maybe by a third party? We’ve seen dozens of hacks, exploits and stuff like that this year, What actions have been taken to protect the CLV community from them?


— Many of Huckleberry’s features have been audited. You can find our audits here:

— Now that we have governance, it’s actually the drifter community who will decide if and when we spend the treasury on more audits. That being said, our devs are incredibly experienced and we don’t develop anything that puts users or their funds at risk. Security always!

About Huckleberry

Huckleberry is a community-driven AMM crosschain DEX and lendin’ platform built on Moonriver and CLV. Everythin’ we do is community driven which allows all users to have a say in the future direction of the DEX and lendin’ platform.

Website / Twitter / Blog / Docs / Telegram / CoinMarketCap / Coingecko

About CLV

CLV (previously Clover Finance) is a one-stop infrastructure platform for cross-chain and decentralized applications.

The CLV chain is a Substrate-based specialized Layer 1 chain that is EVM compatible and cross-chain interoperable. The CLV wallet is a multi-chain all-in-one wallet, for Day-to-Day, DeFi, and Gaming purposes.

Featured by Coinlist as one of the most noteworthy projects in 2021 and backed by major industry institutions such as Polychain Capital, Alameda Research, Huobi and OKex’s Ventures Arm, with our multi-dimensional products lineup, CLV uniquely positioned itself as “Passport to the Omniverse”.

Stay updated on new partnerships and features our team implements by following us on:

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CLV (previously Clover Finance)

CLV is a one-stop infrastructure platform for cross-chain and decentralized applications.