Frequently Asked Questions on CLV Wallet

CLV (previously Clover Finance)
4 min readAug 2, 2022


The CLV is one notable invention of the CLV ecosystem as it is designed to onboard millions of crypto enthusiasts into the blockchain ecosystem. Its features are second to none, and it is a multi-chain wallet that keeps users in touch with several blockchains at once.

Since the invention of the CLV wallet, several users have experienced some difficulties. This blog post picks the top questions asked about the CLV wallet and gives the best answers to them.


How do I access my private key?

  • It is important to note that CLV Wallet only supports Seed Phrase-based account creation, import, and export, designed for a more effortless overall user experience. We intend to add this function as an advanced option in the future.

How do I download the CLV wallet?

  • Use the link to download the CLV wallet and enjoy a seamless trading experience.

How do I use the CLV Wallet?

  • To learn more about using the CLV wallet, read more here.

What is the difference between SR and ED keypair?

  • The SR keypair stands for Schnorkel — SR25519, while the ED keypair stands for Edwards — ED25519, and they are both different keypair generation algorithms. One similarity is that both algorithms can use mnemonic phrases as the keystone to generate wallet public/private key pairs.

Although It is preferred to use SR25519 as ED25519 is an older cryptography method used to generate keys, it was used more in the past and for validator sets mainly. The CLV wallet supports both standards.If you do not know what these are, you don’t have to worry as the CLV team takes care of this by enabling a default option for you to choose.

Why is the CLV app not available on the Google Play store?

  • Google Play Store frequently takes down crypto-related software without explanations, CLV wallet on Android is affected by this.

Any update for the bug bounty event?

Bug bounties support developers and security engineers who examine CLV code and products, and secure it against potential attack vectors now and in the future. To learn more about the bug bounty event, visit this page.

What are the types of CLV wallets?

The CLV wallet supports all platforms. They are the Android wallet, Apple iOS wallet, browser extension wallet, and web wallet.

Why should I choose the CLV wallet?

Some reasons you should choose the CLV wallet as your preferred crypto wallet include its cross-chain compatibility, seamless DeFi experience, multichain connected nature, and its support of popular blockchains.

Can I access my NFTs from the CLV wallet?

  • Yes, you can access all your NFT collections from the CLV wallet.

Is CLV Wallet user-friendly?

  • CLV wallet was created to be user-friendly. Its User interface and user experience are on that are seamless, even for first-time crypto users.

Does CLV wallet support ACA and ASTAR coins?

  • On the Polkadot mainnet, the CLV wallet supports ACA and ASTAR coins. However, on Acala/Astar native parachain, it is not supported. We are working hard to implement the integration with both.

Can I store KDA on the CLV wallet?

  • Yes, users can store KDA on the CLV wallet. This is available only on the desktop and not the mobile phone.

How can I bridge (mainnet to BSC 20) in my wallet?

  • It is possible to do this. For P-Chain to BSC, please follow the instructions found in this guide.


These are just a few questions we picked to address on the CLV wallet. If you have any questions regarding the functionality of the CLV wallet, do well to drop a comment below or ask your questions in our vibrant telegram community. To learn more about the CLV wallet, you can read our blog post about it. (Link to any BP on CLV wallet)

About CLV

CLV (previously Clover Finance) is a one-stop infrastructure platform for cross-chain and decentralized applications.

The CLV chain is a Substrate-based specialized Layer 1 chain that is EVM compatible and cross-chain interoperable. The CLV wallet is a multi-chain all-in-one wallet, for Day-to-Day, DeFi, and Gaming purposes.

Featured by Coinlist as one of the most noteworthy projects in 2021 and backed by major industry institutions such as Polychain Capital, Alameda Research, Huobi and OKex’s Ventures Arm, with our multi-dimensional products lineup, CLV uniquely positioned itself as “Passport to the Omniverse”.

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CLV (previously Clover Finance)

CLV is a one-stop infrastructure platform for cross-chain and decentralized applications.