Deep Knowledge: How to Form Your Own Opinions About TechnologyFads are a dime-a-dozen in technology these days. In this post, learn why it’s important to focus on creation over tech.Dec 21, 2018Dec 21, 2018
Published inPrototyprBreathe Easy: How to Start Practicing Simplicity in Your Product’s Design TodayIt’s easy to say “keep it simple,” but how do you actually do that?Nov 14, 2018Nov 14, 2018
Don’t Panic! How to Avoid Overwhelm While Building Your First ProductI’ll be blunt: building a product is difficult, and often, stressful.Oct 24, 2018Oct 24, 2018
Yeah, But Why? Understanding GraphQL and How it Fits Into Your Product StackBy now, it’s likely that you’ve heard the term GraphQL bandied about in conversations with other developers.Aug 31, 2018Aug 31, 2018
Look For Simple Fixes FirstOver the past few weeks, I’ve been focused on building out the infrastructure for a new product we’ll be offering at Clever Beagle soon…Apr 16, 2018Apr 16, 2018
Your First GameSomething I see a lot of people get wrong when they’re building their first piece of software is they treat it like it’s their only chance.Mar 21, 2018Mar 21, 2018
The Value Is in the Execution Not the IdeaEverybody thinks they’re a genius, me included.Mar 6, 2018Mar 6, 2018
How to Build a Great Product by Using Design to Talk to Your CustomersWhen I work with mentees, it’s not uncommon to hear the phrase “we’ll save the design for last” when we’re planning out our work. The…Jan 18, 2018Jan 18, 2018