Using MPAndroidChart for Android Application — BarChart

Wilson Yeung
4 min readSep 9, 2020


MPAndroidChart is powerful in drawing chart for android application. This article is going to go through the procedures with you on how to apply MPAndroidChart to draw a bar chart.


  • Android Studio 4.0.1
  • MPAndroidChart 3.0.3

Notes that there exist syntax differences bewteen MPAndroidChart version 3 and version 2.


  1. Import the MPAndroidChart to the project.

Find the build.gradle file in Gradle Scripts folder and insert the code below. (Choose the build.gradle with remark (Module: app))

repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.PhilJay:MPAndroidChart:v3.0.3'

2. Declare the BarChart view in the layout xml


Procedures Detail

  1. Navigating to the java file of the activity.
  2. Declaring barChart as global variable
BarChart barChart;

3. Use findViewById to get the view of the BarChart in the layout xml

barChart = findViewById(;

4. Defining showBarChart() function

showBarChart() is a function responsible for capturing data input and output the bar chart with the data.

private void showBarChart(){
ArrayList<Double> valueList = new ArrayList<Double>();
ArrayList<BarEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>();
String title = "Title";

//input data
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
valueList.add(i * 100.1);

//fit the data into a bar
for (int i = 0; i < valueList.size(); i++) {
BarEntry barEntry = new BarEntry(i, valueList.get(i).floatValue());

BarDataSet barDataSet = new BarDataSet(entries, title);

BarData data = new BarData(barDataSet);
So far we created a basic bar chart, with very simple outlook
Bar chart created so far

This is the bar chart we created so far. The outlook is very simple as we have not set anything about it.

Here we separate the outlook into 2 parts, one for the bar chart and another for the bar itself.

5. Defining initBarDataSet() function

initBarDataSet() is a function responsible for the outlook of the bar.

private void initBarDataSet(BarDataSet barDataSet){    //Changing the color of the bar
//Setting the size of the form in the legend
//showing the value of the bar, default true if not set
//setting the text size of the value of the bar

In this function, we are trying to set the outlook of the bar data set.

Point to Note

  • Use ContextCompat.getColor() if the color is stored in xml
barDataSet.setColor( ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.savedColor));
  • Nothing change on the appearance with setValueTextSize() as we have hidden the value by setDrawValues(false)

Call the initBarDataSet() function after the barDataSet is initialized in the showBarChart() function.


This is the bar chart we created so far. The color of the bar is changed successfully with its value hidden.

In the next part, we will try to amend the appearance of the whole bar chart and adding animation to the bar chart.

6. Defining initBarChart() function

initBarChart() is a function responsible for the appearance of the bar chart which should be called before calling showBarChart().

private void initBarChart(){
//hiding the grey background of the chart, default false if not set
//remove the bar shadow, default false if not set
//remove border of the chart, default false if not set

//remove the description label text located at the lower right corner
Description description = new Description();

//setting animation for y-axis, the bar will pop up from 0 to its value within the time we set
//setting animation for x-axis, the bar will pop up separately within the time we set

XAxis xAxis = barChart.getXAxis();
//change the position of x-axis to the bottom
//set the horizontal distance of the grid line
//hiding the x-axis line, default true if not set
//hiding the vertical grid lines, default true if not set

YAxis leftAxis = barChart.getAxisLeft();
//hiding the left y-axis line, default true if not set

YAxis rightAxis = barChart.getAxisRight();
//hiding the right y-axis line, default true if not set

Legend legend = barChart.getLegend();
//setting the shape of the legend form to line, default square shape
//setting the text size of the legend
//setting the alignment of legend toward the chart
//setting the stacking direction of legend
//setting the location of legend outside the chart, default false if not set


Point to Note

  • difference between border line and axis line

Although border line and axis line have the same location in the chart, color of border line is black and that of axis line is in grey. Moreover, the border line will cover the axis line.

  • trigger event when click on the bar

Setting a listener for the bar

barChart.setOnChartValueSelectedListener(new barChartOnChartValueSelectedListener());

with barChartOnChartValueSelectedListener() defined as follow:

private class barChartOnChartValueSelectedListener implements OnChartValueSelectedListener{

public void onValueSelected(Entry e, Highlight h) {
//trigger activity when the bar value is selected


public void onNothingSelected() {


Here is the final view of the bar chart.


In this article, we have go through how to apply the MPAndroidChart to our android application to show a bar chart. A lot of functions are introduced which some of them may not be suitable for creating you own bar chart so apply them with care and refer to the documentation from time to time.

Hope you enjoy this short journey with me:)

