Kevin Gates Is No Stranger To The Law

Chris Madkins
2 min readSep 15, 2017

13 year old Kevin Gates landed himself in jail for the first time, back in 1999. He was arrested for “joyriding” while actually riding low in the passenger seat. Despite the fact that he was a passenger, they continued his arrest.

Gates stated in an interview that: “The first time I ever got arrested, I was 13 years of age. If they would’ve just pulled up to the jail, left me in the police car, never took me inside and just took me back home, I don’t think I’d ever have done anything else again. But what it did was — by me going into jail at such a young age — all it did was criminalize me in a sense. It kinda’ steered me in the wrong direction after getting there and settling in; it took the fear of jail away from me.”

Gates went on to say that this incident in jail really made him think, “This is it? This [jail] ain’t nothing’.”Psychologically, he felt marked towards criminal behavior because of the lack of fear of jail itself.He went in detail expressing that once the mentality without the element of fear of the law is inside your mind you are more subject to engage in criminal behavior. Kevin Gates decided to do more illegal activitieswith the belief that he was simply “doing it better, smarter”. It was this mentality that preceded his repeated actions of illegal activity.

He revealed in the interview that this first offense but was quickly followed by another just 4 months after. At the age of 14,repeated convictions started to overtake his world.

Kevin Gates’ second major offense in 2003

Just four years following his first jail encounter, Gates was involved in a heated public altercation, in the front of a movie theatre. This is where things got violent.

The altercation ended in Kevin Gates stabbing his opponent multiple times. In an the interview below Gates stated the following details about this incident, “Honestly this happened just the day after Christmas only for defending myself, you know what I’m saying. I was already a convicted felon from the other incident and I forgot what the charge was but I did end up stabbing the person a few times or something like that… So I ended up getting [and] going back to jail in 2007, but I really forget the years because I really have been in and out a little bit, you know”. As he speaks about his repeated times spent incarcerated, it is clear that time has faded his memory on all of the incidents and dates each one happened.


Edited By : Chris Madkins

