Moscow 1941, the Rock, and a whole lot of Insomnia

by Claudia Madsen

Claudia Madsen
3 min readAug 23, 2017

My Life in 100 Words

no I can’t

I can’t fall asleep at night. Or wake up in the morning. Mall fitting rooms stress me out, I’m absolutely atrocious at every sport ever invented, my bones don’t fit right in my body, and I can’t get anything done on time. I don’t know how to study. My digestive system hates me, and my immune system is practically nonexistent. I can’t finish anything, I can’t “access my pure head voice”, I can’t even run a mile.
“Well, what can you do?” is surely what you’re thinking right about now.
Guess what.
I can tie my shoes with one hand.

Graphs of My Life


Moscow 1941 is one of my favorite songs because we played it in band when I was in eighth grade, and it was the band’s all time favorite song and I’m pretty sure it was Mr. Fudala’s favorite song as well. Such an amazing song heck yeah everyone loved Moscow.

Picture of me at 9 p.m.

Okay, so this picture wasn’t taken at exactly 9 p.m., but it was taken shortly before sunset and my dad and I were driving home from ABT.

A typical moment at home:


3 people who inspire me

The man, the myth, the legend.

Dwayne the Rock Johnson is a truly amazing man. Not only is he an actor, voice recorder, producer, professional wrestler, and father, he also inspires people every day by sharing his success story after coming from a background of poverty, his fitness journey, ways he supports his family and fans, and even things that inspire the man himself. Much love for this outstanding guy.

Mr. Sulu

George Takei inspires me because he is an amazing actor, he produced a musical that is based on his life in Japanese-American concentration camps as a child (the show is called Allegiance), and he always stands up for what he believes in. He is an author, actor, director, and activist, and is best known for his role as Sulu on Star Trek. What a man.

sarah slay

Sarah Kay is a slam poet who has done Ted talks, readings, and collaborations with other poets. I think she’s totally tubular and sometimes I listen to her when I can’t fall asleep.


“A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything.” -Irish Proverb

