Christopher ManeuinENI InformatiqueLa surveillance de vos services webQuel que soit le site internet ou l’application que vous développez, il y a fort à parier que vous lui souhaitiez la meilleure…Apr 20, 2017Apr 20, 2017
Christopher ManeuinCodeliciousHow to track your productivity with Pomodoro?The Pomodoro technique is quite efficient when you’re trying to focus on a specific task. I’m using it since ages when I really need to…Apr 18, 2017Apr 18, 2017
Christopher ManeuinBullesComment enseigne-t-on la décompression aujourd’hui ?A l’occasion d’un stage de plongée “tek” cet été, je me suis fait pas mal de réflexions quant à l’enseignement de la décompression : quels…Oct 27, 2016Oct 27, 2016
Christopher ManeuinDeezer I/OThe challenges behind releasing our Windows 10 Universal appThis summer, we’ve removed our “preview” tag from our Windows 10 Universal app. It’s a huge milestone for the Windows Team at Deezer. Even…Sep 22, 2016Sep 22, 2016
Christopher ManeuinDeezer I/OWe were at Big Android BBQ Europe 2016Since the beginning of this year, we’ve simplified our process to let Deezer developers speak or attend to community events. Three…Aug 25, 2016Aug 25, 2016
Christopher ManeuinDeezer I/OMaking our recruitment process more agile — a 10-month retrospectiveFor any growing startup, recruitment is challenging, time-consuming, costly and risky. At Deezer, we had the chance to experience this…Jul 26, 2016Jul 26, 2016
Christopher ManeuinDeezer I/O<Hello World>Opening our Product&Engineering blogJul 18, 2016Jul 18, 2016
Christopher ManeuinBullesAtelier Niveau 1 — Le bateauComme beaucoup de clubs d’intérieur, nos formations Niveau 1 ont principalement lieu en milieu artificiel (piscine et fosse). Comme…Jul 6, 2016Jul 6, 2016
Christopher ManeuinBullesRécit d’incident — La désolidarisation d’un embout buccalJ’ai récemment découvert que la CTR Provence publiait des récits d’incidents recueillis via le réseau NEPTUNE. Parmi tous les incidents…Jul 5, 2016Jul 5, 2016
Christopher Maneu#PSJF — Two great questions from candidatesIt was my first job fair, and I didn’t really know what to expect. I met with great candidates, and some candidate with no enough…Sep 20, 2015Sep 20, 2015