How to integrate Signature in Android Application

3 min readFeb 24, 2017

Signing documents has been a mandatory requirement for several contracts, transactions and business processes. By incorporating digital signature organizations can save front- and back-office costs in labour, printing, scanning, and mailing of paper originals and long-term storage. Technology is making life easy. You can now email the document for prompt receipt by the customer, associate or employee. They can sign it instantly electronically as they are used to do it with their handwritten signature, with a Smartphone, no matter where they are.

Digital Signature capture is a technique for signing electronic document files with a handwritten signature. Use of this technology allows for the complete elimination of the mailing, storage, filing, copying, and retrieval of paper documents also save your business time and money. Have your customers electronically sign invoices, receipts, work orders, and more at the point of sale, then save the handwritten signature to your electronic filing cabinet. You’ll definitely decrease your paper handling costs, speed up check-out processes, and eliminate the need to print forms for traditional signatures, thereby saving a lot of overheads.

Signature capture has a ton of uses with integration in your Android Application such as verification of delivery, inspection forms, sales order agreement, and so on.

Below article outlines how can go about implementing Signature Capture Functionality in your Android Mobile Application.

For implementing Signature Capture, Create an activity with the signature button and an image view to show signature. From this activity we start capture activity to click on signature button.

Fig 1.0
Fig 2.0

You need to set SignatureMainLayout as the primary content view in your file. For adding the button and the signature view you need to add the given code in file which contains two classes which returns user interface.

Fig 3.0

In order to make your mobile application respond to touch events, you must implement the onTouchEvent() method in your view class. The example implementation below shows how to listen for MotionEvent. ACTION_MOVE events and translate them to an angle of rotation for a shape.

Fig 4.0

You can save or clear this signature before confirming the order.

And finally!! Signature shows in your canvas. Now, you can confirm your order.

Digital Signature is any type of marking that may be utilized to represent the equivalent of a paper signature, for the instance of an electronic document. Many other technologies, including smartcards and passwords, are mistaken as substitutes for digital signatures. Majority of these are in actuality complementary to digital signatures, instead of substitutes. As per standard practice, Digital signatures give more security than paper signatures or any form of digital signature. They are the main known means for reliably binding a signature to digital data in a manner that is both secure and effortlessly undeniable — a property that is completely fundamental to business. They also offer the ideal means for ensuring the integrity of audit trails and online storage. Digital signatures are infact equated with best practice for digital verification.




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