How to know if your life is broken?

Chris Mattice
3 min readAug 18, 2023

The ‘Self-Help’ Paradox: Seeking Growth or Acknowledging “I’m Broken?”

When it comes to self-improvement, it’s easy to find yourself in a paradoxical situation. On the one hand, striving for growth and taking control of your own life is commendable; on the other hand, is focusing so heavily on bettering oneself an admission of some kind of deficiency?

The lines between healthy ambition and perfectionism have become increasingly blurred as our social media feeds continue churning out unrealistic images of success.

It’s an endless cycle — we try to take control of our lives by turning to the ‘experts’ and profiting from their advice, yet somehow end up feeling more insecure than before. Welcome to the paradox of ‘self-help’ — are we really seeking growth or just acknowledging our deficiency?

There were many times I asked myself if my obsession with self-help, was really helping. Was I doing it to get better, or was I doing it to reinforce the feeling I was not good enough, which is what I and many others may be doing?

Uncover the Impact Of Words and Self-Perception

Words have a profound impact on our psyche, often molding our beliefs and shaping our actions.



Chris Mattice

Entrepreneur, sharing the greatness that is emotional intelligence, Neurology Educator, journey man writer