Life Upgrades and The 5 AM Club

4 min readAug 6, 2022


Via Pinterest

Do you often open ‘Play Store’ and check for new updates (because of curiosity) and update all the apps; we all know it is satisfying.

We usually look for updates or upgrades in our life, say buying a new appliance or getting our house renovated. But how frequently do you think about upgrading your own life?

For how long you’ve been stuck on the same routine, you might have thought of bringing changes but you couldn’t stay on it for long. Being in this digital world, we often ignore important things other than the internet dot com.

Life Changing Upgrades

There is a dire need to make resolutions toward a better life. Make resolutions that are achievable and relevant to your growth. Make resolutions that help you grow physically, mentally as well as emotionally.

Start by doing the most basic things like sleeping on time and waking up before dawn. Start by planning your whole day, dividing your valuable time into different tasks that you need to perform.

Do everything with discipline and dedication. Plan your day and stick to it. Eat healthy, exercise, meditate, read, write or do whatever you will do for self-care. Here are some basic yet important upgrades you could do to bring change:

Sleep cycle: Sleep at least 6–7 hours a day and wake up before sunrise. That is the victory hour in which your productivity is maximum and you can perform most of the tasks when other people are sleeping.

Stay fit: Exercise 3–4 times a week which will keep you physically active throughout your weekly routine.

Self-care: Take out some time to reward yourself. Do what soothes your mind and heart. Celebrating small wins is important for your growth as well as for big victories to happen.

● Daily routine: Give your best at your day-to-day job whether it be going to college and attending lectures or taking tests and remember consistency is the DNA of mastery. Victories occur before warriors walk onto the field. You’ll be successful only if you train the best part of yourselves and put an enormous amount of practice.

Positive energy: Surround yourself with positivity. Take all the negative thoughts, people, and things out of your life that don’t make you happy and don’t inspire you.

Read and Write: “When you’re underthinking, read. When you’re overthinking, write.”

This will sound simple, really simple to you. Right!

Start doing that and you will eventually feel like giving up. Taking that extra 5-minute nap that turns into 1–2 hours sleep, putting today’s tasks on tomorrow, eventually procrastinating the whole day and regretting it later.

Remember nothing is easy at first.

All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.

It takes sacrifice and determination even to start with the most basic things. Once you make something a habit, you end up adopting it as a lifestyle.

You’re not alone in this process. So many people around you are putting their best efforts to achieve world-class. And every single person starts as an ordinary being. Nobody is born with extraordinary talents.

Step out of the comfort zone

Remember not to get distracted from the materialistic things that stop you from achieving something better.

Remember that this world is full of those people who’re not ready to leave their comfort zone and that’s why they don’t get what they want.

If you really want to increase your productivity and grow in a way you’ve never before, step out of your comfort zone.

World-class begins where comfort zone ends.

Step into reality and face everything however difficult it may be. Face your demons and conquer them.


Talking about a few upgrades in life, one can not rule out reading. And finding a good book, a good article among thousands of text pieces online is hard.

One among the good ones is “The 5 AM Club”. Why does it focus on ‘5 AM’?

It is the victory hour where you enter the flow state, your productivity is at its best, your overthinking and over-analyzing stops, and dopamine and serotonin start flowing.

Waking up early before sunrise will tell you things that your life will transform and you will achieve mastery. Just because you don’t have the early-rising habit doesn’t mean you can’t do it now.

Small improvements, consistency, and awareness beat everything. When you’ll be aware you can make better daily choices, and you’ll start seeing better results.

For example, by being aware of your ability to wake up early in the morning and knowing how it would upgrade your productivity, you’ll reach a level of self-mastery.

The 5 AM CLUB- Robin Sharma
The 5 AM CLUB- Robin Sharma

“THE 5 AM CLUB”, by Robin Sharma; is a life-changing book that is based on a revolutionary morning routine.

The early rising habit has helped accomplish amazing results while upgrading the lives of people. The book walks you through formulas like the 20/20/20 formula or the 90/10 formula that you can use to stay focused and flooded with inspiration; also how great geniuses, business tycoons, and the wisest people start their mornings to produce masterpieces.

Own your morning, elevate your life. You must read the book that will help you transform into a better self.

The world needs more heroes and why wait for them when you have it in you to become one. Starting today.

-Robin Sharma

