How to prepare for placements (and a good package 😉) ?

4 min readMay 26, 2020


interview placement

Congratulations for landing here!

But why? The fact that you’re here means that you’re a student who is dedicated and concerned about his/her future and I just wanted to cheer you up for that! 😊👍

Allow me to introduce myself. đŸ€— My name is cmcodes and a few years ago I was in the same shoes in which you’re right now! Worrying about how to crack the placements in the top IT companies of the country. But, with the help of my teachers, seniors and lots of practice I cracked the interviews of many big companies of the nation such as TCS, HCL, Extramarks (12.4 lpa package) and some startups as well. Hence, I thought about sharing my tips and advice so that it may help you the same (or better). Let’s get started! đŸ”„

Every company looks for basically only two qualities in a candidate viz., PROBLEM SOLVING ❓ and COMMUNICATION 🗣. If you’re good at these skills then you will surely have an advantage, if not then you’re gonna have to get good at these.

Every company has more or less the same criteria to judge your problem solving skills. And yes! you guessed it right. It’s our beloved APTITUDE 😂.

Usually it’s the first round and is there to segregate the candidates. Along with aptitude, there will be his brother (verbal) and his sister (logical reasoning) too! In short, you need to get good at basic mathematics, english and coding logic.

I used the following resources to improve my mathematics, english, and logical skills and I highly recommend you to do the same.

Okay! so now you know what to learn & from where to learn. Next thing is how to learn?

And the answer is:


practice flowchart
Now, the master is also watching you! You can’t escape from practice anymore!

After you clear the problem solving tests (aptitude and all), then comes the time to test how good you are at communication.

Generally, they conduct a GD (group discussion) round to see if the candidate can speak “clearly” and “put forward his/her points”.

The following link will give you many GD topics with conversations so that you can read it and grasp a few vocabulary too. Practice these topics in front of a mirror, until you get comfortable enough at it.

Wait! It isn’t over yet! Now you have to face the HR for the interview, given that you have cleared all the previous rounds successfully.

Quickly go through all the subjects/ topics a day before the interview. Have a complete sleep cycle before the interview date.

My Top 3 Tips for Interviews:

1. Know about the company you’re applying for.

You can’t just go right in without any preparation. Skipping this would be really dangerous. I have seen candidates rejected right away just because they didn’t knew the name of the CEO of the company they are applying for. But, you can’t know everything about a company. Right? Yes! But you can definitely do a little background research about the company like founded by, founded in, parent organization, child organization, product/ service, CEO and competitors.

2. Customize you resume every single time you apply.

Your resume header MUST be customized for the profile you’re appearing. If the company is hiring for a Network Analyst, and your resume headline says that you’re a competitive coder, it just doesn’t add up.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

3. Have a question ready to ask them at the end.

After the interview gets over, the HR will ask you if you have any questions in mind for him and that’s your time to ask them a simple question like “How has your position changed in this company since you joined?” or “Does your company provides any perks?” Asking such questions indicate that you’re interested in their company and increases your odds.

The following link will give you insight to many interview questions with their appropriate answers.

After reading all of this, now you know what to learn, from where to learn, and how to learn.

May the code be with you! đŸ’«

You can connect with me at the following web addresses and feel free to ask for any query. đŸ€— (most active here)




Software Developer at a product based company (Uniworks Designs) | Open Source Contributor | React Native Mobile App Dev