QuickNote — Docker Load vs Docker Import

Chris Phillips
1 min readAug 23, 2018

As usual here is what I have been burnt with today.

Docker import and Docker load from a brief glance do the same thing, however there is one big difference.

Docker import does not include the cmd to imitate the container. Docker load does. I am unsure if there is anything else. This means that when you run a docker image that has been imported you need to specify the exec command. In kubernetes this will give you a CreateContainerError.

so instead of

docker import package.tgz customname:customtag


docker load -i package.tgz

and then retag the image if required.



Chris Phillips

Pink Teddy gets sent to help his owner's Daddy. All opinions are of Chris Phillips, IBM Master Inventor, API SME, Governance SME for IBM Cloud Services