My experience: Why I suggest you switch to Apple and why its ecosystem is the best ever.

4 min readSep 22, 2022


My Apple ecosystem.

7 years ago I bought my first Apple device, and yes! As you can imagine it was an iPhone, I never thought of becoming such a fan of the brand, what made me a loyal Apple user? stay and I’ll tell you…
As I mentioned before about 7 years ago I had my first Apple device. At the beginning I must admit I was a little scared not knowing what I was going to find, first it was a totally new operating system for me and second I had no idea where to begin.

Time went by and more and more I saw that it was very easy to handle most of the functions that I did not know, I simply discovered by intuition, and that is how little by little I fell into the clutches of apple, when I say claws no I mean in a negative sense, on the contrary, I mean the fact that no matter how much I tried to think about changing to another device, every detail of the iOS operating system confirmed that I shouldn’t do it.

My desktop from where I create all the digital content.

After having my first device, which was an iPhone 6, I decided to upgrade (superior change) and move to the “iPhone 6s Plus” in terms of operating system and features, it was very similar to the previous one, but it caught my attention to have that device quality in a better size, in this case 13 centimeters high by six centimeters long.
I became so familiar with the use of the operating system and its ease, that after 2 years I decided to switch to the XR, for me personally going from the iPhone 6s Plus to the XR was a super change, first in technology, A12 bionic chip, excellent camera resolution, many more colors on the screen and an impeccable design. So year after year I made the decision to change devices until the most recent iPhone 13.

iPhone 13 and Airpods (Gen2)

In that same timeline I was curious to buy some Airpods and an iPad, I needed the iPad for my studies, besides that I have always been a design fanatic so I did not think twice and made the purchase, at the beginning I thought it was like having one more device, however, over time I realized that both the iPad and the iPhone really complemented each other.

iPad Air 4.

I felt like I was experiencing things that I didn’t even think possible before, for example: everything, completely everything was in sync and organized on both devices instantly, whether I made a change on the iPad or the iPhone the changes and functions were immediate, so little little by little I fell more and more in love with the brand, so much so that today I own iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV, Macbook, Airpods, Apple Pencil, and MagSafe charger.

Photo of my study table with the two devices that I use the most in my day to day.

Now, why for me is Apple one of the best technology ecosystems that exist?
Easy synchronization between all devices. (Cloud)
Saving time in carrying out tasks. (Air Drop)
Excellent individual and collective performance. (Games)
Speed ​​and efficiency in the use of applications. (Export video in high resolution).
Intuitive operating system. (Back and swipe up)
Excellent native accessibility apps. (Assitive touch, Voice over).
Excellent technical service. (

In conclusion, switching to Apple has definitely been one of the best decisions I’ve made in terms of devices that help me simplify tasks; and most importantly, save time.

So if you are in doubt about whether to buy an iPhone, iPad or even a Macbook, I hope this has been the push you needed to get them.

Until next time!




Hello! I’m Julian and I’m writing about technology, especially Apple. I invite you to subscribe to my Youtube Channel